1. this is really good info – I don’t currently sell anything yet but who knows what the future holds

  2. I love this post, Carmen. So much good advice here. I love to write, which is why I blog, but I also toy with the idea of writing an ebook one day. The time factor discourages me, but I pray that when God says the time is right, I’ll do it. I appreciate your tips.

  3. What I take away from reading this is be true to yourself. Write what you enjoy and know or what other people to learn and know about.

    1. Thank you Amanda!! Carmen is definitely a wealth of knowledge about blogging from a Christian standpoint!

  4. Carmen, thank you so much for sharing this. I found it very encouraging today. I do think a lot of advice out there for bloggers in general is helpful, but I often wonder, “Yeah, but what about for a CHRISTIAN blogger?” Because I’m convinced that our space is just a little bit different. So again, thanks. I appreciate what you’re doing online!

    1. Jana you are so right!! I read so many books and articles about blogging when I first started out but then Carmen launched her book and it changed the way I blog!! Thank you for stopping by!!

  5. Great tips here. I haven’t sold anything via my blog yet, but I do want to in the future. Definitely saving this for future reference and motivation.

  6. Great information. Thank you for sharing Carmen with us on Grace & Truth Christian Link-Up. Now to getting a product done.

    1. Thank you for visiting…Carmen definitely has so much to share and it was a blessing to have her guest post!!

  7. Pingback: 100+ Resources for New Christian Bloggers - Married By His Grace

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