1. I love your words of encouragement. I am mostly a garden blogger but I am a Christian and wanted to write more about it on my blog because the garden is truly where I feel more connected to God. So I am starting by just sharing my experiences, and God has worked in my life. I have found interestingly that many other Christian bloggers have found my blog through the gardening link-ups, which is pretty funny. Still, eventually I think I would like to have a few days a week dedicated to my Christian experience. By the way, thank you for the resources. 🙂

  2. “Your journey in blogging is going to be unique to your strengths and your experiences in life and in your walk!” This is so true. Every blog I read (and I read a lot!) is as different as the person behind it. I’m glad!

  3. Diane, this post was exactly what I needed. I have been so guilty of looking at other bloggers stats and numbers, only to complain and whine to God about mine. Recently though, He convicted me of this, and revealed to me how prideful I had become over this ministry. It had become all about what I could do, who I could reach, how many likes I could get, and so on. I had completely left God out of it. I now pray more of Him and less of me in everything. I want His glory to shine not mine! Thank you so much for the encouragement and advice.

    1. I am so glad it encouraged you and yes..I know exactly what you mean. We can become prideful and think it is about us but we have to let God lead!

  4. So much beautiful encouragement here. I especially appreciate the links you’ve offered that have helped you, Diane. Because it’s definitely a journey, not a simple sprint. Thanks so much. I’ll be pinning this sweet puppy.

  5. Thanks for the encouragement! I am fairly new too and I agree that just having a few blogging friends that get you and may be just a little ahead of you has helped because most understand and want to be encouraging! Thanks for reminding us not to look at numbers but look to Him!

  6. Thanks for this! I’m not a new blogger Diane, but I still experience some of these very thoughts. Especially the comparison trap (but that happens with everything in life) and feeling like I’m not seeing results. I get impatient when things take a long time to blossom and I’m definitely someone who prefers instant results. I would almost prefer to be the hare (in the Tortoise and the Hare fable), who speeds through everything rather than doing everything slow and steady like the Tortoise. As long as I don’t lay down at the finish line before the end, which I also have a tendency to do, because of fear of failure. But that’s another blog of yours that I need to check out.

    1. I’m the same way! I tend to want things to happen yesterday! God is certainly teaching me patience through blogging!

  7. It’s like you were reading my mind! Thanks for the encouragement & the links for the training you’ve found helpful. I’m going to check them out. 🙂

  8. I love this community! I have a dear friend who is a fantastic writer preparing to launch her blog next year. I’ve sent her this! Thank you for all you do to bless the Christian blogging community.

  9. Thanks for this encouraging post! Blogging can be a lonely ministry at times. It can also be intimidating, especially if we play the comparison game. So grateful for those like yourself who cheer and encourage us forward!

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