1. Your post shows a lot of thought and insight. You are exactly right – we bloggers are not defined by page views and followers. I have only been blogging for about 9 months. At the beginning I found myself checking my stats compulsively every day and writing a title for each post according to what would generate the most traffic. Now I write only what I feel compelled to write, and title each post how I believe it should be titled. I still check my stats, but only once a week or so. My purpose is to allow God’s light to shine through me, not garner new followers. Thanks for the great post!

    1. Thank you so much Laurie!! I did the same thing early on so I am writing from my own experience LOL I used to live on my analytics and I was constantly comparing!!

  2. Very encouraging, especially for a new blogger. The song I’ve had in my head for this week is “Keep your eyes upon Jesus”, and that song suits this post so well!

  3. Thank you so much for writing this- It was perfect for me today, I have been feeling this exact discouragement, over small beginnings and that is a perfect story of faith.

  4. Ministry is definitely a marathon not a sprint. I have to remind myself of this with our blog and while serving in church. Great post encouraging the saints.

  5. Hi Diane, I just like to see that someone is reading and enjoying it. I don’t have a lot of traffic but I hope to have more. We talked yesterday about offering something as a freebie. How about a bookmarker or some sort of printable prayer or blessing, my friend at Garments of Praise does that sort of thing.

  6. Thanks for the encouraging words. This is actually very relevant for me at the moment as I’m thinking about certain things to pursue next. I’ve been wondering whether to actually go for it or whether to hold out for something bigger. But we need to start somewhere, even if it is small. We never know how God is going to work in that situation and where he will take us, and how a big tree can grow from a small seed.

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