1. This is so encouraging, thanks for sharing! Your calling as a child is so fun to read, it’s crazy how God works sometimes, isn’t it?

  2. I absolutely love this post and find it so encouraging because you shared through your personal experience. I’m so glad I found you and your blog! Shalom!

  3. Your story about stealing the missals had me cracking up! I don’t remember stealing anything from church, but I used to stuff my pockets full of coffee beans from the grocery store. Haha! Kids are weird. But in all seriousness, thank you for another encouraging post to bloggers. It’s good to know that even seasoned bloggers question this calling. Doubt can totally be from the enemy…this internet ministry is a powerful tool and I’m sure he wants it destroyed.

    1. Amen! You are so right! It is an extremely powerful ministry and he would love to do nothing more than silence all of us. It gives each one of us a chance to reach people all across the globe that we would never be able to reach without the internet! So it is definitely a threat to the enemy! You are doing an amazing job in your ministry so never let him discourage you!!

  4. Thank you for the encouragement. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to sit quietly and listen to what God has to say to you!

  5. Loved this and it was so encouraging. I have learned to always pray and seek God’s direction before I sit down to write.

    1. Thank you Ayanna!! I’ve learned too that it’s so important. I can easily get busy and sit down trying to write first but it never works lol. God is definitely keeping me in check!!

  6. I love your church story. As an old movie fan I always wanted to do that. I too lived across the street from a church in Atlanta, but it was not open. And sometimes, the need was overwhelming to go. I have never had a dry well, it was just filled with rocks thrown by the enemy. I too wrote from childhood and sadly too, rejection caused me to throw away things but He never rejected me. And have you notice the google translate for blogs? I looked at mine in so many languages. I don’t have nearly that many readers, but it gets to who needs to hear it. Thanks, Diane.

  7. I, too, had to discern between whether it was my ADHD or if it was really God calling me to this ministry. I’ve only come to know God in the last 5 years, so the thought of being a “Christian Blogger” never occurred to me. My blogging journey began far from the Christian niche but everything I’ve done along the way, all the learning and all the connections I’ve made, have brought me to launching a Christian blog ministry.

    1. That is so awesome!!! Think of all the people who can relate to you and all the people you’ll be encouraging

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