1. Powerful post on spiritual warfare, Diane. The enemy is cunning and wars against us. He just loves it when we let our guard down and we don’t expect him to make us slip. Thank you for the definitions and the Greek meanings. It puts it in a clearer perspective of how important it is to be watchful and sober-minded.

  2. Those subtle dangers can really trip us up. They’re sneaky. I need to watch for those, especially in seasons where I’m already tired or overly committed. Thanks, Diane!

  3. I just had an area like that this past week. I hadn’t battled with a particular insecurity in a while, then bam out of what seemed nowhere I was. I had let one thought snowball. So I knew that I had let my guard down by not taking that one thought captive. This is a much needed reminder to share with everyone!!

  4. Hi Diane, I am doing Anita’s writer’s Challenge, one of our prompt words later in the month is survival. I have already written the post about being stalked by the adversary, thanks for the definitions. We really survive and overcome by not being ignorant of his devices, and sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

  5. I can identify with your black ice experience. I have gone running in the morning before sunrise, only to encounter unexpected black ice. I usually have to crawl back to a safe place. In my spiritual life, that safe place is Jesus.

    1. Amen!! I have a feeling from what’s outside I’ll be doing that crawl tomorrow when I take my dog to the vet!!

  6. Great post and reminder to keep our guard up. My son recently dealt with spiritual warfare. One day he said I feel so much better. I think it is over, and I told him to not let his guard down. That is exactly what satan is waiting for. He is waiting for us to feel comfortable and stop watching, and that is when he attacks. We have to always be on guard. Always!

  7. Yes, our enemy is sneaky, and clever! It is good to be reminded not to let our guard down. Great Post Diane! Many Thanks 8)

  8. I love your analogy of black ice. Yes, it sneaks up on you when you least expect it. How how satan does too. I am so glad you share your posts with Grace & Truth LInk-Up. I love reading them.

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