1. So insightful! I love learning the history and appreciate you sharing not just facts but also emotional & spiritual significance.

    1. Thank you for sharing. I am planning to celebrate Rose Hashanah with my family this year. I want to teach my children the importance of the Jewish heritage along with our Christian faith. Thank you for explaining it to me so I can explain it to my family and my little Sunday school class. Any other tips you can share about this festival would be great. Thank you!

      1. I would say the important thing is drawing the distinction between what is Jewish tradition and what is Biblical tradition and stay within the realm of Biblical tradition so as not to offend or further alienate non-believing Jews (many of whom feel the church is trying to “replace” them). Jewish tradition, while valuable to learn, is more cultural in nature.

  2. This is so good! I love the parallels for the church today…God is so cool like that – He always foreshadows the things that are to come, through our roots!

  3. I love it when Christians take the Jewish foundations of their faith to heart. In September I will start back teaching another Messianic Bible Study, this time using Messiah in the Feasts of Israel by Sam Nadler. Each year when Rosh Hashanah approaches, I start earnestly listening for that trumpet call! I’m also studying Hebrew so I can read the Scriptures in Hebrew. Such a difference!

    1. Yes…as a Messianic Jew it always makes me happy to see Christians getting in touch with the Jewish roots of their faith. My Hebrew is a little rusty these days because I don’t have much chance to use it but I will likely start doing some classes on my site for those who want to learn it!

      1. Do you still do beginner Hebrew classes? Or do you have pre-recorded videos for those of us to watch and learn? With the virus going on right now there is time but not money. I pray these are free lessons as the others I have looked into are very very expensive especially in the economy most of us find ourselves living in right now.

        1. I am not doing them right now because I am re-vamping everything on the site. You can visit https://hebrew4christians.com and they have some great free Hebrew lessons! My friend Izzy also does what I consider some of the best Hebrew lessons at https://holylanguage.com/ They are not free but they are inexpensive for all the information and resources he provides. And I believe he does allow volunteers in the ministry to take them at no cost so if you try them out and you decide you want to help out in the ministry I am sure he would allow you to do that (assuming he still offers that)

  4. Soooo good! I love this explanation! I never knew about the different New Year’s! The audio explains everything so well. Thank you!

  5. Thank you for sharing this information with us, Dianne. Some of the festivals I assumed were Jewish really have significance for Christians too.

    1. Yes!! Christians are grafted in! There is no longer any separation! Jew and Gentile one in Messiah!!

  6. Great post Diane. Feast of Trumpets ushers in the Fall Feasts in such a wonderful way – it gets us ready for introspection and forgiveness at the same time providing joy and celebration. God is so good!

  7. Wow!! I’m looking forward to celebrating Rosh Hashanah!! Thank you for all of this information- I take it to heart and to my family. We are new to this and LOVE learning God’s Feasts!! I feel so much closer to God, knowing that we are in His “timing”. Thank you again- SO MUCH!

    1. I’m so glad!!! Please let me know if you have any questions about it!!! I can’t wait to hear how you enjoyed it!!

  8. Shalom, I just rans across your blog and love it!* I just wanted to comment that as much as I too love to see Christians study these biblical feasts, I hate to see them then return to the pagan festivals of man as though just knowing that the festivals exist are sufficient. While it is accurate to say that without the Tabernacle or Temple we cannot truly participate in the moedim as first commanded; it says in this weeks Parsha Re’eh:
    “30be careful not to be trapped into imitating them after they have been destroyed before you. Do not inquire about their gods, saying, ‘How do these nations serve their gods? I will do the same.’ 31You are not to act like this toward Adonai your God! For every abomination of Adonai, which He hates, they have done to their gods—they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods.” -Devarim 12:30-31 (TLV)

    While I know that each persons walk is between G-D and themselves, it bothers me that knowing the truth they turn backwards to the traditions of men (some would argue the traditions of the satan) and convict themselves.

    My question (that you may have already answered* see above) is; how do you lovingly admonish believers into living out the truths of the Bible, and not just gaining more and more information?

    1. Shalom Rivka!
      I understand you completely. But in the end, all people can do is share the information and pray God uses it to bless people and to help them grow in their walk with Him. The work of doing that is Hashem’s. All I can do is share it! You may have given me a thought…I am writing an e-book about the festivals. I may include a section that also talks about the history of other festivals. Toda raba and I pray Hashem blesses you!! Feel free to email me at diane@worthbeyondrubies.com if you would like to continue the conversation. I would love to know what your background is and whether you blog! Shalom!

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