Our Mussar Program
Mussar is a word that may sound strange to many believers who have never heard it before but you HAVE heard it…in the Bible in fact. You probably heard it MANY times. You have just heard it in English.
Get your FREE Kids Mussar Chart at the end of this page!
Now if we look at verse 2 in Hebrew, it looks like this:
לדעת חכמה ומוסר להבין אמרי בינה
The bolded word in Hebrew and in English in the verse above is the word “Mussar”. It means discipline.
You probably do some form of its practice in your spiritual development already.
While Mussar may sound strange to you…it is not some odd, worldly practice. The word Mussar appears in Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) 51 times, more than half of them in the book of Proverbs.
It helps develop what comes down to the spiritual disciplines and traits that help us to be loving, giving, fruit-bearing people.
It is sometimes translated as discipline and instruction and helps us strike that balance between law and spirit, and observance and character.
It is the discipline of consistent personal character refinement. Our greatest Mussar Master, Messiah Yeshua (Jesus), taught us how we should bear good fruit as a demonstration of the Spirit operating in our lives and our love for God being lived out from day to day.
Join us for Mussar! You can sign up below and be sure to sign up for the email list below as well so you don’t miss any announcements.
We have a Discord server where I will have the weekly lessons, occasional lives, and have an ongoing conversation! Each week, we discuss a new chapter. It is great because it accomodates everyone’s schedules because you can jump on when you can!
What Book Are We Using?
The book we will be using for the upcoming study is With Heart in Mind (book not included). You can get the book now and join us for the new study in late August (you can follow along with our current study in the meantime!)
Our Discord Server
You can join Mussar in our Discord sever below. Once you join, just go to the Rules channel and accept the rules by clicking the ✅ and you will see all the channels we have so far. To join the Mussar channels (they will not be visible yet), just go to Select Roles and click the emoji to show you are in the Mussar group. Then the Mussar channels will be available to you.
The link does change every so often for security reasons so if for some reason it does not work when you click on the button below, email me at diane@worthbeyondrubies.com and I will send you the new link and update it here as well.
Don’t forget your free Kids Mussar Chart below!
What is Mussar?
The word “Mussar” appears in the Bible 51 times in Hebrew, with over half of them in the book of Proverbs.
The basic premise behind this centuries-old practice is that it is not enough to learn that it is important to show loving-kindness to another person or to learn that patience is a virtue. That “head” knowledge does not give you the traits of loving-kindness or patience. Learning ABOUT kindness does not make us more kind. Learning about patience does not make us more patient.
But working on our “spiritual curriculum” and working through this with others while you share your stories and your own difficulties not only helps you come together as a community but it helps you to strengthen those traits in yourself AND in others.
Sarah Friedson says “What I am calling your curriculum shows up most clearly in issues that repeatedly challenge you. I’m talking about the behaviors that dunk you in the same soup, time and time again.”
For Christians who have a longing to follow the Torah or at least the principles of Torah, Mussar is the perfect practice because it allows you to develop the traits that really exhibit the living out of Torah in your life on a day-to-day basis while having it written on your heart rather than trying to follow the letter of the law.
Each trait that we study allows you to grow deeper toward living a life of faith, love for others, and obedience to God and His Word, as well as striking balance in your life. For instance, humility is a trait we study. But too much humility is just as harmful as too little.
You find the traits that you struggle with the most and know those are part of your curriculum and you also learn, through our discussions, that you are not alone.
Mussar with Diane is hands down one of the best discipleship groups I’ve been a part of.
I love how Diane helps us get to the heart of the matters we study, so it’s never just surface work; it’s discipleship and study that actually changes the way we live. The conversations are honest and transparent; two things I greatly value in discipleship. I can’t recommend this group enough!
– Alonda Tanner
Writer at Let’s Talk Bible Study | Facebook
So How Does One Practice Mussar?
We work on this together in a group.
I select a book that I feel we could all benefit from and work well in together and each week we read a chapter and come together to discuss and share.
I can tell you that this is a really amazing discussion and those men and women who participate in Mussar have stated it is one of the best studies they have ever participated in!
And if you want to learn more about my qualifications, check out my About Us page.
The book we will be using for the study is With Heart in Mind.
So join us as we cultivate spiritual discipline in our lives together, encouraging one another in the Lord.
Mussar for Kids: Coming Soon
Proverbs 22:6 says
Teaching your child the spiritual disciplines will give them a firm spiritual foundation in life.
As they learn traits like gratitude, lovingkindness, patience, charity, and more, they will develop into people of faith who walk in the ways of the Lord, showing love to others and love for God and His Word.
To help teach them these traits and disciplines, we are currently working on a Mussar for Kids program!
Our goal in this program is to educate children about values and motivate them to practice, act on, and apply them in their lives.
So join us and take part in Mussar and begin developing spiritual discipline in your life!!
And you will also be notified when Mussar for kids begins!
Download your free Kids Mussar Chart!