1. Wow… Bea’s comment has left me in awe. Made me almost gasp because to just even speak of the pain and releasing being honest of the just those things she has gone through. I remember Gid saying in book of 1 John that Jesus blood cleanses me from all sin as I confess and come into His light / truth. It is ok to come to Father God and be honest about what happened. Learning to exchange my thoughts for those that are better, purer, good, holy, right is definitely a daily walk. It’s not a one time adjustment or alignment. I have been so double minded all my life always performing to just to be accepted because of severe rejection and abuse as a child. Emotions at times takes control. But Jesus did not come to find fault or condemn but to set free even in those places of pain, fear, shame, guilt that leads to double mindedness. Identity was not foundational where I was to put my trust and in who I was to trust. Living in two worlds is confusing and when trying to figure out with a child mind with no adult supervision or those who care, yep… you trust no one but at same time longing to be included or apart. Chains in the mind and bondage… in spirit, soul, and body (sickness). But thank you Jesus He is the Hope!!! He gives the faith to believe. And God is the one who puts us in Christ which no one can take out of His hands. I think it’s in Philippians God says He is the one that does the works in us to will and to do so we can act. What he started in His calling us to Himself… He is strongest enough to finish. For His Grace… empowering presence His holy influence on our hearts cries out to Him… Father!!!! And this is the place I am right now. Thank you fir all of your sharings. It’s in the sharing of the power of God that the body of Jesus grows to together. Loving 🥰 this new journey of knowing Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Jesus said it is finished. So everything we need, He has the supply willing to give. His character His attributes His fruits are who He is. And His thoughts about us are always good because of Jesus. Now it’s in the learning of taking His hand and sitting sr His feet to soak in His love that what He says is true. Ps. 139. He’s there in the places we have been or are hiding. We cannot run from His presence. He us not ashamed of us. The cross of Christ of Christ care of all of that. Our starting point is the cross. Death, burial, RESURRECTION! This is still all new to me and I am still putting into practice the truth of what is revealed or unveil by His Holy Spirit who teaches us. But I am also learning that we are to talk about Gods goodness, grace, and mercy. It helps with renewing our minds that more trust and faith and boldness and identity can come in so to shine out. 🥰. I looked up word Shalom so this is what I say to each person who reads this. God bless you with the unspeakable joy that only comes from Him. Father God gives the most perfect gifts 🎁


      1. I stumbled on your site….after reading Romans 12:1-2 I looked up the meaning of transforming our minds…..looking up both meanings individually. When looking up mind…..it said “double-mindedness and so I looked up that meaning and you popped up. Thank you for your blogs…..I subscribed! I desire to “walk”closer to God every day. I think your blogs will be “worth beyond rubies”!

    1. Thank You Regina!
      Wonderful and perfect timing reading your thoughts.
      I’ve just read and have been convicted of my double mindedness. I separated from my beautiful partner last night after 3 years of being paralysed by indecision and exhaustion which came from not being my true self.
      With Gods Grace and mercy, maybe I can change to be the man I can be and live in His promises.
      Thank You again,
      Good bless you
      Mark x

  2. I’m Juan Pablo, I’m 19 at the moment, I’ll be 20 years of age in July, and since there’s internet these days it’s a little easier to socialize with other people like me, I mean, it’s scary for me sometimes to say what will happen because something I’ve learned is that life does change, different stuff happens that in my experience did not know it could interfere with what my plan is, but the truth is, I don’t have a plan, I daydream a lot, but I don’t have a plan because I don’t just do not know, it’s frustrating knowing all the crazy stuff that people do today that sometimes it wants to draw me in, but it’s wrong, that’s what I tell myself, anyway, God is real, Jesus of Nazareth is real, I’ve recently just learned that it’s Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus the Nazarene, the point is, the definition of Jesus is literally Salvation.

    1. Juan it is very easy with the internet to get sucked into things that we should stay far from and even people who could lead us down the wrong path but it sounds as though you know the answer. Yes, Jesus’s Name in Hebrew, Yeshua, is from the word yeshuah which literally means salvation. He is the One to turn to when you feel overwhelmed or pulled in. Turn to the Word and you can always reach out for prayer as well. I have a chat function here on the site and you can message when you are having a difficult time and ask for prayer! You are young and God can use you in such amazing ways to reach other young people who struggle with the same things!

  3. It’s 3am and I’m in the middle of a fast for unbelief and double-mindedness. I just studied and “got it” about unbelief. Now I’m studying how to conquer double-mindedness. I’ve made major life decisions and a little down the road, I change my decision or at least question it. I zig and then zag. Thanks for your input. It’s nice to know it’s more common than I realize. Feeling alone in this made me feel isolated, alone and self-loathing because of my lack of ‘stick-to-it”. I really think the unbelief and dbl-mindedness are very much connected. Plus I would pray (perhaps flippantly) and not test my decision by the Word. Then if it didn’t work the way I thought, I would change my mind thinking I missed it or didn’t actually hear from the LORD. Others around me didn’t believe me when I made a decision, or that I will stick with it – Ugh! I don’t have the support of those around me – Ugh!
    LORD, help me to stay close to You and Your Word so that I can be bold and confident in my decisions, knowing for sure that I’m walking in Your Will.

  4. Thank you for sharing this because I am in a season of living authentical with no apology as well as not living in mental bondage. You gave me a glimpse of myself because this is what I was doing until I was told you are human. I always believe in living a balanced life as long as it represents and pleases God. Now, that I know who I am in God, I am learning to be me freely, because of who I am and created to be. Thank for that…

  5. Thank you for this honest look at being double minded, AND how to re-integrate both/all our sides so we are now longer compromising, but living by faith. I’ve struggled with this my whole life…46 years! Recognizing the root as being fear is so helpful! God bless you for sharing your journey with us; I hope living boldly is still going strong for you!

    Denver, CO

  6. Beverly
    Thank you so much for writing this book about double-mindness. I also struggle my whole life with it. Fear has been my companion (59, and getting difficulty to live with) and the driving force behind my life. I can’t wait to start putting into practice and reading the content. My prayer is for all who experiencing the spirit of fear that God Almighty deliver us and grant us internal and external shalom. The song came on “Eye of the Strom”, Ryan Stevenson. Amen and God be the Glory.

    1. I am so sorry you are struggling with this. I know all too well how tough it is but I know with the Lord’s help you can and will overcome it! Bless you and thank you for sharing your experience!

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