The Dangers of Lukewarm Christianity: Rekindling Passion for God’s Word
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When Yeshua addressed the church of Laodicea in the book of Revelation, He didn’t hold back. His words were direct, passionate, and unsettling: “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. Oh, that you were either cold or hot! 16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spew you out of My mouth.” (Revelation 3:15-16, TLV).
This strong warning highlights the dangers of lukewarm Christianity, a condition where faith becomes stagnant and loses its fervor—neither fully devoted to God nor in outright rejection of Him. Lukewarm Christianity represents a state of spiritual complacency, a comfortable but uncommitted middle ground where the initial passion for God’s Word has diminished, leaving believers spiritually indifferent and ineffective.
Many believers may not realize they’ve drifted into this state, but lukewarm faith can have profound consequences.
This post will explore what it means to be a lukewarm Christian, the risks of staying in this state, and how we can reignite our passion for God’s Word by turning back to a life of zeal and devotion.
Be sure to download your free copy of our Dangers of Lukewarm Christianity study and reflection questions at the end of this post!

What Does It Mean to Be a Lukewarm Christian?
The term “lukewarm” describes something that isn’t hot nor cold. When applied to faith, lukewarm Christianity refers to a spiritual life that lacks zeal, intensity, and deep commitment. It’s an apathetic attitude towards God’s Word, where a believer might go through the motions of faith—attending services, reciting prayers—but without a true heart connection or spiritual vibrancy.
Yeshua’s rebuke of the Laodicean church serves as a wake-up call for believers who have settled into a routine of mediocrity. They weren’t spiritually dead, but they weren’t alive with passion for God either.
They had grown complacent, perhaps even self-satisfied, and this made them ineffective in their walk with the Lord.
Spiritual Stumbling Blocks That Lead to Lukewarmness
Several factors can cause believers to fall into this dangerous state of lukewarmness:
Self-Satisfaction: Many believers become spiritually lukewarm because of an over-reliance on their own strength or material wealth. The Laodiceans had become wealthy and believed they were in need of nothing. In reality, Yeshua saw them as “wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17).
This echoes the warning found in Deuteronomy 8:17-18 where Israel is cautioned not to say, “My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth,” but instead to remember that it is God who gives them everything.
Spiritual Laziness: Another stumbling block is spiritual laziness. Like the broken cisterns in Jeremiah 2:13, lukewarm Christians often seek satisfaction in things that cannot truly satisfy. They substitute time in God’s Word for less challenging or spiritually empty activities, causing their faith to grow cold.
Compromise: Compromise with worldly values is another significant factor. When believers start allowing minor compromises in their faith—whether it’s in their behavior, values, or priorities—it can lead to a gradual distancing from God’s standards. The Torah commands us in Deuteronomy 6:5 to:
“Love Adonai your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”
Anything less than this begins to resemble lukewarm faith.
The Urgent Call to Repentance: Rekindling the Fire
In Jewish tradition, the practice of Teshuvah (repentance) plays a central role in spiritual renewal. Teshuvah means more than just saying “I’m sorry”; it’s a complete return to God, a realignment of your life with His commandments and will.
For believers who recognize the signs of lukewarmness in their spiritual walk, the same call to repentance is vital. Yeshua calls believers to “be zealous and repent” (Revelation 3:19), offering a way to restore their passion.
Repentance involves humbly acknowledging where we’ve fallen short, turning away from our spiritual sleep, and seeking God with renewed passion.
The Jewish sages taught that humility is the foundation of all repentance. True repentance comes when we fully realize our complete reliance on God and our intense need for His grace and mercy.
Signs of Lukewarmness in Faith
Lukewarm Christians may not always realize how far they’ve drifted from a deep and sustained relationship with God. Here are some signs to watch for:
- Indifference to Prayer and Worship: If your prayer life has become a mechanical routine or you attend worship services without any genuine connection, this could be a sign that you’ve become spiritually lukewarm.
- Neglecting Scripture: A lack of desire to study God’s Word is a common sign of spiritual complacency. Psalm 1:2 speaks of the righteous man who “delights in the Torah of Adonai, and on His Torah he meditates day and night.” If that delight has faded, it’s time to return to the Scriptures with fresh eyes.
- Avoiding Accountability: Lukewarm believers may resist community and accountability. In Hebrews 10:25, we are reminded to “not forsake the assembling of ourselves together,” recognizing the importance of spiritual support and encouragement from others. Accountability becomes uncomfortable so they may avoid it altogether.
Avoiding the Danger Zones of Lukewarm Christianity
To keep your faith strong and avoid becoming lukewarm, it’s important to be aware of and steer clear of these danger areas:
- Apathy Toward God’s Word
In Judaism, the study of Torah is a lifelong pursuit. The Hebrew word for study, “talmud,” implies not just learning but living the lessons. We do not just read Torah, we acquire Torah. Believers too must cultivate a love for God’s Word. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” We need to ensure that this light never dims by regularly reading, meditating, and applying Scripture. - Lack of Discipleship
In Jewish tradition, discipleship or Talmidut is the practice of learning and growing under the guidance of a rabbi. For believers in Yeshua, discipleship—both being mentored and mentoring others—is a key part of spiritual growth. - Neglecting Community
Fellowship with other believers is critical for keeping the fire of faith alive. In the Jewish world, Chavruta, partnered study, helps prevent spiritual isolation. I just completed a chavruta session, and it’s amazing to study alongside a partner. Likewise, we need to engage in meaningful fellowship with other believers to stay spiritually sharp. - Idolizing Material Success
Yeshua reminds us that wealth and material success can blind us to our spiritual poverty. Proverbs 11:28 warns that “He who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.” If we place our trust in material things, we risk becoming spiritually stagnant. - Absence of Daily Repentance
Just as Jewish practice includes daily prayers of Teshuvah, believers must also practice regular confession and repentance. When we confess our sins daily, it keeps our hearts soft and responsive to God’s voice.
Practical Steps to Overcome Lukewarm Christianity
Rekindling a passion for God isn’t just a one-time event—it’s a daily commitment to walking in faithfulness. Here are a few practical steps to reignite your passion for God’s Word:
- Daily Prayer and Reflection: Set aside time each day for heartfelt prayer and reflection. Use Psalm 63:1-4 as a model for seeking after God with fervor: “O God, you are my God; I seek you earnestly. My soul thirsts for you…”
- Reignite Your Love for Scripture: Dive deep into God’s Word daily. One way to do this is to study the weekly Torah portions alongside the New Testament readings to see the deeper connections between the Scriptures. We offer the weekly portions via e-mail. You can sign up below!
- Join a Bible Study Group: Accountability is key. Engaging with a study partner like a friend or someone from church, or joining a Bible study group can help foster spiritual growth and keep you accountable to your commitments.
- Renew Your Worship: Make worship a priority, whether privately or corporately. Let your worship flow from a heart that is full of love and awe for Yeshua, our Messiah.
Messianic Jewish Perspective on Spiritual Lukewarmness
In Messianic Jewish thought, lukewarmness can be seen as a kind of spiritual exile—a galut of the soul. Just as Israel experienced periods of exile when they strayed from God, believers can also find themselves distant from God when they fall into complacency. But just as God promised to restore Israel, so too does Yeshua offer to restore us when we repent and return to Him with all our hearts.
In Isaiah 49:15, God promises:
“Can a woman forget her nursing baby or lack compassion for a child of her womb? Even if these forget,I will not forget you.”
This is God’s heart for His people—both for Israel and for all who have come to faith in Yeshua.
Rekindling Your Relationship with Yeshua: The Ultimate Bridegroom
Yeshua is not just our Savior—He is the Bridegroom. The parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 is a reminder that we must keep our lamps full of oil, ready for the Bridegroom’s return. This parable is a call to avoid the slumber of lukewarm faith and instead to remain watchful and full of expectancy.
We are invited to live passionately for Yeshua, longing for His return and ready to meet Him with joy. Like a bride prepares herself for her wedding day, we are to prepare our hearts for the Bridegroom.
Revelation 19:7 calls us to rejoice, for:
“the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and His bride has made herself ready,”
My Final Thoughts on the Danger of Lukewarm Christianity
The dangers of lukewarm Christianity are clear. Spiritual apathy and complacency threaten to dull our hearts to God’s voice and prevent us from living out our true calling. But Yeshua offers us the opportunity to rekindle our passion for Him.
Through repentance, devotion to His Word, and a renewed commitment to worship and community, we can overcome spiritual lukewarmness and live a life fully on fire for God.
Has this message stirred your heart? We invite you to share your thoughts in the comments and join our Besorah Bible Study Facebook group where we explore God’s Word together and support one another in staying spiritually vibrant.
Don’t forget to download your free copy of our Dangers of Lukewarm Christianity Bible study and reflection questions below!
How can I avoid becoming spiritually lukewarm in the first place?
To prevent spiritual lukewarmness, it’s essential to develop consistent habits of prayer, Bible study, and fellowship. Set aside daily time to connect with God, reflect on His Word, and engage with a community of believers who encourage spiritual growth.
Make it a point to regularly examine your spiritual health through prayer and self-reflection, much like the Jewish practice of Cheshbon haNefesh (soul-accounting), where individuals assess their character and spiritual progress.
You can learn how to incorporate Cheshbon haNefesh into your daily routine in our free Mussar program! Learn more!
What does it mean to have “zeal” for God?
Zeal for God refers to an intense passion and commitment to His ways and His Word. It’s characterized by a deep love for God, an eagerness to serve, and a desire to obey His commandments.
The Hebrew word “kinah” is often translated as “zeal” or “jealousy,” describing a fervent dedication to protect or uphold something valuable. Having zeal means that our relationship with God is our highest priority, and we pursue it with all our heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5).
Can you be “too zealous” in your faith?
While zeal is important, it should be balanced with wisdom and love. Romans 10:2 warns about having zeal without knowledge, which can lead to misguided actions or a legalistic attitude. True zeal is rooted in love for God and others, not in pride or self-righteousness. It’s about a balanced pursuit of righteousness, combining passion with understanding.
What is the relationship between faith and works in overcoming lukewarmness?
Faith and works are inseparable in a believer’s life. James 2:26 reminds us that “faith without works is dead.” Overcoming spiritual lukewarmness involves both believing in God’s promises and acting on that belief through tangible expressions of faith—such as serving others, sharing the Gospel, and living out God’s commandments. In Jewish thought, mitzvot (commandments or good deeds) are an expression of one’s love for God, not just obligations.
How does fasting help reignite spiritual passion?
Fasting is a biblical practice that helps sharpen spiritual focus and draw us closer to God. When done with the right intentions, fasting can rekindle a deep desire for God’s presence. It allows us to set aside physical distractions to concentrate on prayer, repentance, and seeking God’s will.
Isaiah 58 explains that true fasting is not just about abstaining from food, but about loosening the chains of injustice and helping those in need, which aligns our hearts more closely with God’s.
What role does the Holy Spirit play in avoiding lukewarm Christianity?
The Holy Spirit empowers believers to live out their faith with passion and conviction. When we rely on the Spirit, we are guided into all truth (John 16:13) and given the strength to overcome temptation and spiritual lethargy.
Through the Spirit, we receive gifts that help us serve others and build up the Body of Messiah. Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit helps keep our faith vibrant and dynamic.
What is spiritual warfare, and how does it relate to lukewarmness?
Spiritual warfare involves the ongoing battle between God’s kingdom and the forces of darkness. Satan’s tactics often include lulling believers into a false sense of security or complacency—encouraging lukewarmness as a form of subtle spiritual defeat.
Ephesians 6:10-18 instructs believers to put on the full armor of God, including the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, to stand firm against these attacks. Staying vigilant and alert in prayer helps keep us spiritually awake and fervent.
What does the Bible say about the consequences of spiritual laziness?
Proverbs has much to say about laziness, equating it with folly and ruin. Proverbs 6:9-11 warns, “How long will you lie there, slacker? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep—and your poverty comes like a bandit and your need like an armed man. “
Spiritually speaking, laziness leads to poverty of the soul, where we miss out on the fullness of life in God. Active pursuit of God is the remedy for spiritual lethargy.
How can gratitude help combat spiritual lukewarmness?
Gratitude is a powerful antidote to complacency. When we cultivate a heart of thankfulness, we remind ourselves of God’s blessings and faithfulness, which stirs us to respond in love and devotion.
In Jewish practice, prayers of Hakarat Hatov (recognition of the good) are part of daily life, acknowledging God’s hand in every aspect of existence. Similarly, believers can keep their faith alive by regularly expressing gratitude for what God has done and is doing.
How important is communal worship in staying spiritually vibrant?
In both Jewish and Christian traditions, communal worship plays a crucial role in maintaining spiritual fervor. Hebrews 10:24-25 emphasizes the importance of gathering together to encourage one another and stir up love and good deeds.
Worshiping alongside other believers strengthens our faith, provides accountability, and reminds us that we are part of a larger body of Messiah. In Jewish tradition, the minyan (prayer quorum) is essential for certain prayers, symbolizing the strength found in community worship.
How does keeping the Sabbath help prevent lukewarmness?
The Sabbath (Shabbat) is a time set apart for rest, reflection, and renewal in God’s presence. It provides a weekly rhythm for reconnecting with God and recharging our spiritual batteries.
In both the Jewish and Christian contexts, keeping the Sabbath encourages believers to pause from their busy lives, focus on God, and renew their commitment to Him. For believers, observing a day of rest can help maintain spiritual fervor by creating space for worship, prayer, and intentional fellowship with family and community.
Can music and worship help reignite spiritual passion?
Yes! Music and worship are powerful ways to express our love for God and reconnect with His presence. In Psalm 150, we are encouraged to “praise Him with trumpet sound, praise Him with harp and lyre.”
Worship, especially through music, allows us to engage emotionally and spiritually, drawing us into closer communion with God. Many find that songs of praise help them move from spiritual dryness to renewed passion.
What does the Jewish practice of daily repentance teach us about keeping our faith stron
Daily repentance, or Teshuvah, is a central practice in Jewish spiritual life. It involves regularly turning back to God, confessing our sins, and seeking His mercy. This ongoing practice keeps believers spiritually alert and aligned with God’s will.
For Christians, regularly practicing repentance can prevent lukewarmness by maintaining a tender heart and a posture of humility before God.
What should I do if my whole church or community feels spiritually lukewarm?
If an entire community seems to have lost its spiritual fire, it may be time to call for corporate prayer, fasting, and revival. Encourage your leaders to address the issue openly, and suggest starting Bible studies or prayer groups focused on renewal.
Sometimes, one person’s commitment to reigniting their faith can inspire others to do the same. As in the story of Nehemiah, one individual’s vision for restoration can spark a whole community’s return to God.
How does meditating on God’s promises help avoid spiritual burnout
Meditating on God’s promises strengthens our faith and refreshes our spirits. Joshua 1:8 tells us to “meditate on [the Word] day and night” so that we may be careful to do everything written in it.
Reflecting on God’s faithfulness and promises gives us hope and perseverance, even when we feel weary or distant. It reminds us that God is at work, even when we can’t see immediate results, and keeps our spiritual flame burning.
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Tree of Life (TLV) – Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version*. Copyright © 2014,2016 by the Tree of Life Bible Society. Used by permission of the Tree of Life Bible Society.

About Our Author
Diane Ferreira is a Jewish believer, wife, and mom, as well as a proud bulldog mom. She is currently pursuing her graduate degree in Jewish Studies at seminary, deepening her passion for Scripture and Jewish history. Diane writes with a heart to connect the rich traditions of her Jewish heritage with her faith in Yeshua, offering insights that inspire believers to grow in their walk with God. When she’s not studying or writing, Diane enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and crochet.
So often I forget that I am His BRIDE! Grateful for the reminder today!
I think we all need reminders of that from time to time! Thank you Rebecca!!
Lukewarm is a scary place to be, Diane. Thank you for these reminders today!
Thank you for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Thank you so much Patsy!!
There is always the potential to slide into lukewarm Christianity. Thank you for this encouraging word!
Yes it is so easy to do if we are not careful! It’s why Jesus always said ‘watch’ throughout the Gospels.LOL
I can so relate to this!! I’m going to read through this post again. Meditate on in. So much good stuff here.
Thank you Heather!!
Thank you for these precious words. I believe that the Lord is purifying His bride in this season. He’s calling us to look up to Him! Such a beautiful confirmation here today! Blessings to you!
Thank you so much Bettie! Blessings to you as well and stay safe!