1. Oh how I needed this tonight! My whole life I’ve been told I’m a failure…and tomorrow I turn 54…
    I still can’t finish anything! I’ve been criticized for so long that it’s the only voice I hear
    anymore. So now I just don’t start anything.
    It’s too painful to become, over and over, what
    I’ve heard all my life. So I pray and try to have
    a closer walk with the Lord, but I stay to myself
    and love my family. I hope it’s enough. I hope God sees I’ve tried in this life.

    1. Oh Patricia my heart breaks for you because I know all too well how you’re feeling! I know that avoidance cycle! You ARE what words say you are but they’re not peoples words…they’re God’s! You are who He says you are!! Go to the Word and write out scriptures that tell you who you are in Him and every time those old recordings play, replace them with what God says about you!! It does work but it takes time!! I’m always here if you need to talk.
      And happy birthday!!!!

  2. This relative of yours sounds like they certainly have issues of their own. So awful 🙁 Things that are said to us and happen when we are young really stick even if we don’t realize it. I too have had problems finishing things and I still try and figure out why. It’s actually one of my goals for 2019 – to finish everything I start (unless of course I really don’t like it). Anyway, this is really a thought-provoking read and thank you so much for sharing your personal story.

    1. Thank you Yolanda! Yes those words really do stick. It’s amazing how the good words don’t stick as well!!

  3. I can relate and as a blogger too I know the struggle. I started blogging back in June hoping to supplement my one income family. There are so many days I feel like a failure and that I am not contributing enough around here. I refuse to give up though. I am almost 6 months in and things are getting better. I still feel like a failure most days though. It is a hard feeling to ignore and I struggle daily with these thoughts.

    1. I know that feeling with regards to blogging too but don’t give up! I actually started blogging 2 years ago for about a year and I wasn’t getting anywhere. I quit for a year (not because of the blog but because we went through some major moves in our lives so I couldn’t put the time into it) and it was so hard to get it going from scratch again. But this time, it is going great! So keep at it!! I have a couple of posts on blogging that have some free courses linked! You may want to check those out because they helped me a TON! Here is one https://www.worthbeyondrubies.com/blogging-tips-for-beginners/

  4. My heart hurts for you that someone could be so hurtful. Words like that cut deep to the heart and can seriously affect us forever. There is true freedom in knowing Jesus, but that doesn’t always mean it is easy. I am by nature a quitter too. I can only succeed at anything when I put my whole trust and faith in the Lord to carry me through.

  5. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me—That saying is certainly NOT true. Words do hurt and they can break your heart and your spirt. Continue to push forward, continue to pray, and continue to blog. You are Awesome!

    1. Thank you Gina!! Yes I think words can be far more hurtful than broken bones. Bones heal, many times words continue to hurt

  6. Thanks for sharing this and for writing about this Diane. I can completely relate to this. I am still haunted by words spoken over me from decades ago. But this doesn’t only make me want to quit before finishing, but sometimes to not even try. That’s why I can completely understand how people could bury their talents. It’s not that they choose to be that way, but that they have felt so beaten down by previous hurtful words that they wonder what’s the point of even trying. Words can have a paralysing effect on us, especially if we keep rehearsing it in our minds. We need to not only draw on God’s word and what he says about us, but also to speak some of these out in faith, even when we don’t fully believe it ourselves. God’s words can be life changing.

  7. Thank you! Lord bless you for sharing. I have struggled with this all my life as the result of an emotionally abusive father. It came back last year. And I came to same conclusion. If I quit ahead of time I have control. But you really don’t. Thank you for your courage and love.

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