How to Stop Running From God
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Have you ever felt like you do not fit in the world around you and so you constantly feel like you are running from it? Well, if you are running TO God, that is not always a bad thing. We need to keep from becoming too engrossed in worldly things. But when about when you are running FROM God?
What if you feel as though you have so many regrets and so many mistakes that, like the Prodigal Son, your Father would not want you back. Read on if this sounds like you!

Running From God
If you are running from God or FEEL as though you are, I am here to tell you that you just cannot outrun Him.
No matter how much of a mess your life seems, no matter how many mistakes you have made and no matter what regrets you have, you cannot outrun the grace and mercy of God.
You may think that you will never change who you are. I know because I felt like being told I was a failure as a young adult defined me. Maybe you think your mistakes or the words of cruel people define you too! Does any of these describe how you feel right now in your life?
If it does and you are reading this right now, I want to tell you that your mistakes, your missteps, your failures even, will never define who you are. No matter how bad life has been to this point or no matter how bad life may get, mistakes do not close your book! Sometimes they just begin a new chapter!
God places trials, suffering, and yes, even tragedies into our lives for a reason. We may ask where God is when we suffer but He is with us and wants us to grow stronger in our faith and trust Him no matter what happens.
Is it easy? Of course not but He is there with us through it all and you WILL get through it and the sun WILL shine again.
Psalm 30:5 says:
For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for a lifetime;
Weeping may last for the night,
But a shout of joy comes in the morning.
No matter how dark the night may feel, the sun comes up. No matter how long it feels your weeping will endure, joy comes.
No matter how bad life has been to this point or no matter how bad life may get, mistakes do not close your book! Sometimes they just begin a new chapter! Share on X
Beauty in the Broken
I have been blessed to grow up in New York City where there are so many amazing artists.
One of the most fascinating artists I have ever seen as a child, I wish I knew their names, would take various bottles likely tossed out in the trash cans on the street corners, and they would break them and then use those broken pieces, in all these various colors and shapes, and make a beautiful piece of mosaic art out of them.
I have also seen artwork made out of chuppah glass. This is the glass that is broken by a groom at a Jewish wedding and is sometimes used to make a mezuzah for the Jewish home. Someone then takes the glass, dyes it in various colors, and creates amazing artwork out of it.
You see, these wonderful artists take something that was broken and they make a masterpiece out of it. The world may see it as just broken glass but the artist sees a work of art.
God sees your broken pieces and He takes them and pieces them together to create a work of art that is uniquely you. But you need to let Him pick up those pieces instead of running from God.
A New Beginning
I had run from God for many years. I even ran from Him after knowing Him and His mercy.
I was broken in so many pieces I didn’t think even God would want to try to pick them all up. But He did.
And He wants to pick your pieces up as well and all you need to do is stop running from God and tell Him you give those pieces, all of the failures and mistakes, to Him and trust Him with your heart, your soul, your life. You just need to pray and give all those burdens to Him.
Like the Prodigal Son, your Father is saying “Stop running…come back home!
You can rest in Him and stop running from God and come home to Him.
NASB – “Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation“