1. Thank you for this blog post on spiritual warfare. I had not thought about spiritual warfare as continuous and ongoing. We do equate attacks with events, but you are correct, we are under attack all the time as Christians. Thank you for this revelation. Armoured with the Word,
    ~ LaKenya

  2. WOW! Powerful truth right here. What a great in-depth study your did, I absolutely I love it! You opened my eyes to some little battles that I never would have thought were battles. Now I know how to gain some victories. I have always read Eph 6:10-18 and mentally “put on my armor” everyday, I just never realized how much little things are spiritual battles. So grateful I read this post! I just wrote a post on the armor, I will probably do a little tweek or two before I post/publish it. I would love to add a link back to this post. 8)

  3. I love the depth of this blog!! It’s so needed to dig deeper especially on this topic. My ladies leader at church went through spiritual warfare and did it slowly, taking a year. It is so good to connect the dots when knowing what those specific weapons are the enemy uses against you personally. She referred to them as our back doors, which are many times areas that can even go back to our childhoods. I learned a few more terms here which adds to a much needed area to always be keeping front and center!! Reading through #HeartEncouragement

    1. Thank you so much April!! I am so glad you enjoyed it. It definitely an important topic and I never realized how little there is out there on it!!

  4. The Bible says a lot about Spiritual Warfare. It is described in the old testament… but honestly, it’s hard to think of it as spiritual when it seems to be all about the messy kitchen that never stays clean. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Diane, such a powerful post! I appreciate you sharing about your own struggles and how that related to the spiritual battle you experienced. It helped me see how foolish I am in allowing the enemy to come right in, because I basically choose to ignore the entire issue! I truly appreciate your comment that spiritual warfare is not a singular event, I find I just try to “white knuckle” through “attacks” as if they’ll pass and I’ll be good afterwards. The scripture you shared is fantastic and I have been blessed to come here today! Thank you!!

    1. I am so blessed that you enjoyed it Donna and that it resonated with you. I know many times we have particular things that happen in life and then we stand against it as though that was an isolated incident. But when warriors are in battle, they don’t look at one shot fired as being the whole attack. they continue to push forward knowing they have to not just avoid that one shot but win the war. And so many times I know I have looked at just the one shot fired like that was it. So thank you so much for your comments. They are a blessing.

  6. So powerful. Thank you for sharing this blessed lesson today. I love your insights and encouraging words. Blessings.
    ~Selah ~

  7. Thanks a lot ma, I also use to think that spiritual warfare is an event, i never know that it’s a continuous thing, that i must always arm and prepare myself for every minute, because of my previous ignorance, i still fell a victim today of the devils assault, but coming across these post, i am now back on my feet as a knowledgeable believer, so may the Lord empower me to always live prepared, thanks once again ma, this post has really transformed my belief.

  8. Thank YOU! I don’t know how to convey my happiness and gratitude for this post but trust that there is more than you could imagine in my brief “Thank YOU.”

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