1. Do you believe in signs from above?

    I had been asking in prayer to help me get rid of a few fears and one of them is also going to see the dentist ?

    I too have waited far too long to get a check up and need to feel the fear and do it anyway as I’m in a bit of pain. I’ve had previous experiences where I cried while in the dentist chair due to the extractions and other work.

    As I have gotten older I’ve developed different types of (irrational) fears which surprise me as I used to be a little rebel and fearless!

    I’ll start working on one and simply trust it’s for the highest good!

    Loved one of the comments above where they mention faith over fear, it’s my answered prayer!

    Thank you for sharing this.

    All the best to you and yours ?

    1. Karla I am so happy you were encouraged and yes..God does lead us to what we need to hear (or read!) and I am glad you found His answer for you!! Be blessed!!

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