1. Thanks for another excellent post Diane, and your wonderful use of Scripture— as always! 🙂 I especially like the part about forgiveness! Forgiveness is a gift I give myself. Pinned and tweeted. Thanks for linking up at instaEncouragements!

  2. All so good. I think as believers we think there is a magic God wand that He can just wave over us and bam – fear is gone. But oft times, these things are conditional Great points here. Thank you. Visiting from Debbie K’s today.

    1. Thank you!! Yes you’re right! We feel guilty at times for feeling fear as Christians as if we are somehow missing something. But it doesn’t just necessarily go away right away!! God also uses some of those times to teach us things along the way!

  3. A great way to deal with fear – i hadn’t thought of examining forgiveness and its role. I love this vs I found last week: I Chronicles I think: Be not afraid and act! I think I forget that second part – to go ahead and act while afraid helps make the fear disappear cuz I can only concentrate on so much at once!

  4. Christians aren’t supposed to have fear??? Oh how our enemy twists the truth and attempts to bring shame and guilt into our hearts. We might not ‘supposed’ to have fear, but we certainly do experience it. And if it wasn’t common in the life of a Christian, then it wouldn’t say “Do not fear” in the Bible as often as it does.

    I appreciate your tips on conquering fear. Sometimes it’s a daily battle.

    Thanks for sharing on Grace & Truth.

  5. Thank you so much for the wonderful and sweet words .to be honest am a victim of fear and l myself didn’t know how to overcome it but after passing through your story, l have been praying to God to take away my fear but nothing has been happening simply because I wasn’t stating the cause of my fear and neither have I ever forgiven those who hurt my feelings. But thank you so much and May The Almighty God bless you dear

    1. I am so glad you found it encouraging and I pray it helps you. Just remember, forgiveness is a decision and not a feeling. We often think we need to ‘feel’ forgiveness toward the person and feelings are really fickle. We just decide to forgive and eventually, our feelings will line up! Then when we forgive, we can let go of that cause, give it to God and say “I do not live in that space any more”! I pray this helps you!

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