1. This was a huge help to me in the season and space I’m in. Thanks for your transparency and willingness/obedience in sharing!

  2. It’s my ex- fiancé’s birthday in two days. He isn’t speaking to me. He has substance abuse issues. I’m struggling on whether or not to acknowledge his birthday. It feels like I’m sending a message either way.

    1. Hi Marisa…I am so sorry you are experiencing this struggle and I am sorry your ex-fiancé is going through this as well. I apologize my response is a bit delayed (I suffered a stroke this week and moved as well so it is has been quite the week) but maybe he needs a touch of Jesus right now and you might be that touch. Acknowledgement doesn’t have to be acceptance of behavior and you can make that clear.

  3. I really enjoyed this article and thanks for posting it! It’s so often I find myself in difficult situations struggling to get through on my own power, only to be reminded our Saviour is faithful to his children and he will be our roadmap and guide us exactly where we need to be.

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