1. Congrats for the new job to your hubby, God will answer our prayer in a mysterious way, what we pray for will come true sooner or later, sometime the answer is the best one more than what we expected.

  2. This is so true! My husband and I were in a very similar job search situation. We didn’t end up near home, but I do believe we ended up exactly where we were meant to be, and I trust His plan. I still have to remember that though, now that we are freshly planted in Georgia and unpacking boxes. lol.

  3. I needed to read this one more time and it blessed me today even more than last time. I love your last quote so much that I tweeted it so others could enjoy too! 😉

  4. God had a plan for you! There was a reason all of the interviews didn’t work out! I’m so glad your path took you back home to Connecticut! It sounds like you will be really happy there! I pray you have a safe move! Take care!

  5. “We want Jesus to take the wheel but we want to navigate.”
    Oh my goodness yes. This is such a sticky point of life. Thank you for the reminder to surrender to Jesus.

  6. Letting God have control is hard for me. I tend to move fast, and God doesn’t seem to have the same pace. Many times I find myself making a move and then looking back over my shoulder to check and see if God is coming along. However, when walking through difficult circumstances, it is entirely different. I take every step with Him leading. Now I need to get it right all of the time.


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