1. “Inspect what you expect.” – Spot on. We know where our Achilles heel is and it should be no surprise that the enemy will go for it every time. Wise words for such a time as this!
    Bev xx

    1. Thank you Bev! That has sort of been a motto in my life for many years (and for many purposes)!

  2. I’m with you. I hate mice and bugs in my home! And what a good analogy for our need to watch for enemy intruders.

  3. I echo your enthusiastic NO to mice in the house. We currently have one galloping over our heads in the ceiling of our bedroom (“quiet as a mouse??”), and are working hard to devise extraction plans. I want to be THAT vigilent as well in guaridng against spiritual invasions, and I agree with you that this is not something to be taken lightly or explained away.

    1. Ugh I know that sound all too well. I have heard it over my head recently as well and it turned out it was actually on my roof and not in the attic thankfully. But that sound just gives me anxiety! LOL And you’re right! We are very vigilant in looking for and listening for those pests while we sometimes ignore a much greater enemy!

  4. For me, spiritual attacks usually sneak up on me little by little – getting bigger all the time because I don’t give them the attention they deserve until it’s a full scale war. Quiet is right. Great post.

  5. Diane, I get this so much. The enemy does attack in sneaky ways and before you realize it a spiritual attack turns into all out spiritual battle! I needed this reminder to be alert for his back entries!

    1. He’s a sneaky one that’s for sure. I know why the Bible tells us to stay aware. He never stops coming at us!

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