Discover the Outer Court of the Tabernacle and the Christian
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Join me as we explore the Outer Court of the Tabernacle and how it can be a picture of the faith walk of the Christian! This is the first part in a three part series on how the different sections of the Tabernacle are pictures of our walk with our Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus)!
What Took Place in the Outer Court of the Tabernacle
The Outer Court of the Tabernacle in the wilderness (and later the Temple) was the place of sacrifice. It is where sin was dealt with.
It represents our life when we first come to know Yeshua.
When we first receive the gift of salvation, our sin is dealt with. Jesus takes on our sin and shame and gives us a clean slate; a new beginning. He was the atonement for our sins. He paid the price for us!
The Outer Court of the Tabernacle was also the place of cleansing.
The laver was where the priests would wash in water after the sacrifice was made. It is symbolic of our baptism. We come to faith in Jesus, who is the atonement for our sins, and then we are baptized in water!
But just as the priests did not remain in the Outer Court, just as these things were preparations to move into the Inner Court and then the High Priest into the Holy of Holies, we should not dwell there for too long. God wants us to grow deeper in our faith and deeper in our relationship with Him.
Our walk with God has to progress from the Outer Court of the Tabernacle into the Holy Place!
Our walk with God has to progress from the Outer Court of the Tabernacle into the Holy Place! Share on XThe Outer Court – A Picture of Our Walk With God
If you feel as though you’re stuck in your walk with God, I hope you will know that He keeps it simple! There is no need to fear going deeper! You don’t need a theology degree to know Him in every way possible!! It’s His desire that you know Him as deeply as He can be known on this side of Heaven!
Just like babes, we are on milk for a time but then the time comes for us to start eating food.
As a baby has to progress on from milk to solid food, we too have to progress in our walk with God.
Hebrews 5:14 says:
We must move on to spiritual maturity! We must progress past the point of “Jesus saves” and know Him more intimately. It is all about relationship!
Any relationship needs growth or it grows stagnant. We don’t want our relationship with the Lord to be stagnant. We want a heart-felt, close and personal relationship with Him and He wants that as well.
The Outer Court of the Tabernacle – Religion vs Relationship
When you begin a relationship with any individual, you make your best effort to know them better. You talk with them, spend time with them, try to determine their character.
If you are developing a friendship with someone, you take the time to get to know them better. You find out what they like and don’t like.
And we do the same when we are beginning a new relationship with our spouse! Don’t we want to get to know all about them? We cherish every new thing, we study them, notice every small detail. We want to know them as deeply as we possibly can!
When we begin our relationship with God, we need to do the same. Many of us have become so conditioned to “religion” that we forget that “religion”, with its ordinances and rites and sacrifices, was what Jesus came to free us from.
Religion cannot save you; only Jesus can do that.
Religion cannot save you; only Jesus can do that. Share on XReligion Stifles Relationship
Religion can stifle our walk because it is very rules driven. It takes the heart out of what we do as acts of worship and fellowship with God.
Christianity is ALL about relationship.
When you follow rules and regulations given by man, it creates a sort of rote relationship where you just recite words, rather than feel them. It is when we are not having true conversation, true relationship, with our Father that we get stuck in the outer court.
Our walk with God has to progress and our relationship with Him has to deepen. That progress involves moving through the Outer Court of the Tabernacle!
So take a step with me as we explore the Outer Court of the Tabernacle in the wilderness in more detail!
Just like babes, we are on milk for a time but then the time comes for us to start eating food. Just like a baby has to progress on from milk to solid food, we too have to progress in our walk with God. Share on XThe Outer Court of the Tabernacle – Audio Message
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™
Good day, I really enjoyed this message. I was searching for messages about the tabernacle and how it relates to our walk with God.
One thing I’ve learned is that a church operating in religion can keep you in the outer court with the rituals, rules, and regulations. Religion is one of the biggest obstacles to us moving forward in our walk with God. Because of the outward performances in looking righteous, religion deceived and deprives you in obtaining a closer walk with God. Religion brain washes you to make you think you are in right relationship with God if you are obeying the religious leader. This brain washing/controlling technique separates you from God by making the leader the mediator.
I wasted years in these religious institutions. My relationship didn’t start progressing until I left the church and came from among them. I still fellowship with believers just about daily. But because of the abuse I experienced in a church building by religious leaders over-exerting their authority, I can’t see myself ever joining another church building.
My comment is if you feel you are not progressing in your walk with God and you are doing all you think you are supposed to do, pray and ask God to expose any religious barriers. Religion is one of the most dangerous barriers in getting closer to God because of the deception it has in making you think you are doing everything right.
Thank you for this post. I’m ready to move to the inner court.
Thank you so much for your comments Phyllis and you are so right. Man-made religion can be so damaging for people. It can keep them feeling they are not good enough and that they are lacking and yes, some even make you feel you are worshipping the leader rather than the Lord. But rest assured, there are many churches out there that are not like that. I have been in quite a few non-denominational churches and also in synagogues and never had that experience there. I hope you can find one that does not put those barriers up for you again. And stay tuned as well because I am preparing to write another post on the outer and inner courts!!
Thanks for your transparency. It was very easy to find the outer court of complaints and stagnation in Church. I’m working on a webinar about the effectiveness of relationships not religious acts. I hope that you are developing healthy habits and relationships that build trust in God. The arm of flesh will fail but God faileth not!!!!!
Thank you so much!
I enjoyed your message on the tabernacle courts, I was smiling ear to ear because I was learning. This is my first time coming across this platform. I thank God he lead me to it, be blessed.
Welcome! I am so glad you found us and I am happy you enjoyed the article!!