Inner Court of the Tabernacle & the Impact on Our Christian Walk
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In this post, we journey inside the Inner Court of the Tabernacle of Moses and explore what this section of the tabernacle (or temple in later years) held, who ministered here and how we can view the Inner Court as a picture of the walk of the Christian!
It is possible for people of faith to look at the various sections of the Tabernacle and see how they mirror our own walk with God. And here we will be looking at what is known as not only the Inner Court but also the Holy Place and what its furnishings represent, how they were used and what it means for the believer.
The Inner Court of the Tabernacle of Moses
As I said, this message focuses on how the Inner Court of the Tabernacle of Moses (and later, the Temple), also called the Holy Place, is a picture of our walk with God.
This is important because, if you feel as though you’re stuck in your walk, I hope you will know that God keeps it simple! There is no need to fear going deeper in your walk with Him!
You don’t need to be a Biblical scholar! It is about relationship! And we will see that in the Inner Court.
As in most relationships, you learn more about each other as you spend time together! God wants us to grow in our relationship with Him and there are ways we can do that and the Inner Court of the Tabernacle is a great picture of those ways!
This message shows how the Inner Court or the Holy Place is a picture of our walk with God. Share on XFrom Milk to Meat
1 Corinthians 3:1-3
The Greek word for milk here is “gala” and Strong’s Concordance defines it as a metaphor for “the less difficult Christian truths” (Strongs)
We need to move past our infancy in Christ and take steps toward our growth! And the Inner Court of the Tabernacle of Moses is a picture of that growth as we progress from one stage to another.
As babies, we are on milk for a time but then the time comes for us to start eating food. God wants no less. Our goal should always be growth!
The Inner Court of the Tabernacle shows us three furnishings that represent our deeper walk with God.
Each of these furnishings represents how we move further in relationship with the Father and grow and mature in that relationship.
Aside from the importance of the furnishing themselves, what they were made of is equally as important so be sure to note the primary materials in the furnishings in each area of the tabernacle!
If you have not yet listened to the audio message on the Outer Court of the Tabernacle, I would recommend visiting that post first and then coming back here so that you get the full picture of the Tabernacle.
After this, please visit the post on the Holy of Holies to complete the series!
Each section of the tabernacle mirrors the life and walk of the Christian. So to get the full picture, it is definitely more beneficial to listen to them in order!
We need to move past our infancy in Christ and take steps toward our growth! Share on XThe Inner Court of the Tabernacle of Moses – Audio Message
This information was educational and helpful for me as I study about the tabernacle.
I am so glad!
outstanding !
Thank you so much!