1. Hi Diane! What a wonderful addition to your blog. Yes, audio because I can listen in the background while I do other tasks online. I’d love to know what software you use to upload it to your site. Blessings to you! Sharing on Pinterest and Twitter.

    1. Thank you so much!! Actually Sarah I just use my iPhone voice memo app and it has a share button so I upload it to my files and then add it to my media on WP

  2. This was so interesting, thanks for sharing. 🙂 I love the symbolism God uses! All these tiny details God puts into His instructions, so far before Jesus was even born, that all point directly to Jesus, make His life, death & resurrection so undeniable.

  3. Thank you so much! We or should I say the majority of Christians of the Western world really have no clue, I have understood the sanctity of Communion, but not to this degree – oh how lightly it is taken in our churches! I can say this because I have been involved in several different denominations and visited numerous others. To date I have not found one that really displays the Holiness of Communion. The explanation of the Menorah and the Altar of Incense I knew. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much Debra!! I am so glad you were able to take something away from it!! That is my prayer for all the Jewish roots posts!!

  4. Watching this on the last day of June, 2020! WOW. Love the explicit details of the tabernacle. Short, sweet and to the point. I prefer the written, as I have my attention solely on these “lessons” and I can also digest it easier.
    Thank you! Tomorrow I listen to the Holy of Holies! Blessings!!

    1. Thank you Renee! I am actually in the process of revamping these posts some. So when I update them I will republish them so they are on the main page. So check back occasionally as I am adding more writing to them and possibly video!

  5. I would like to thank you for this beautful teaching on the inner court. This has helped me tremendously. Thank you and may God continue to use you for His glory.

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