1. Thanks for this article. I appreciated the point that he uses the ordinary to do extraordinary things. I actually wrote an article on this a short while ago. It’s so important – His disciples weren’t a bunch of experts on the law – they were fishermen. May God embolden us to believe in His will for our lives.

  2. I have faced nearly the same battles with my writing! God has clearly told me to write. I have TWO blogs and am working on a book, but it’s a daily fight to get past the insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. I have been through much refining fire…it is necessary and useful, but not very pleasant! So thankful God chooses to use us, ordinary people! Thanks for the great post! Blessings to you!

  3. This spoke to me on so many levels. I think I was afraid of success. Like what if I do well then I have to keep doing it and coming up with ideas and I almost quit. But like you said God is enough. Jesus plus nothing equals everything. Thanks for telling your story.

    1. I know fear of success may seem an odd thing to some but it is very real!! Thank you for your comments!!

  4. Diane, today I spoke at a local church at both services. Before the first service, I prayed for myself. Before the second service, I prayed for God to move hearts and to move through me, opened myself to Him, clay in His hands. I appreciate these words, especially today.

  5. Diane, I LOVE this!
    Praise God that we are molded by the Master Potter! None of us enjoy the refining process, but we can always look back and see the faithfulness of God in the midst of the fire. Blessings to you, and may the Lord continue to use your gift of writing and passion for the Lord to touch the hearts of many! 🙂 Thanks for linking with #BVN! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Christin!!! I so appreciate your kind words and your support as well as the support of #BVN!!

  6. Diane, I can hardly believe you’ve been blogging for only one year. Your life is a testimony to how God can work through a yielded lump of clay. Praise God for you and answering Gods call!

  7. Thanks for having the courage for sharing your story in such transparency and honest way. The Lord has talked to my hart in such profoundly way that maybe only one like you could understand what I mean. Your story has given me that booster that I was desperate need it. It is true; nothing gets lost with Him, no even our mess. He uses everything and every one for His Majestic purpose. God Bless you, and thanks again. Josefina

    1. I’m so glad you found it encouraging and yes, someone out there will be blessed by your story and your struggles! Society today is so inward focused. When something bad happens we tend to think why me! Instead we should think I wonder who God is going to use me to help in this! Bless you!!

  8. my God is awesome, I learn each day of my life there are always something new to learn about God.

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