Who are the Pharisees Today? Discover the Modern Day Pharisees
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In today’s world, the term “Pharisee” often conjures images of hypocrisy and self-righteousness, rooted in the Biblical accounts of the religious leaders who clashed with Yeshua (Jesus) during His ministry. In fact, it has become a “thing” to call hypocritical people or self-righteous people “Modern Day Pharisees”.
In this post, I want us to re-examine who the Pharisees were, their true beliefs as a group and their practices, who they were not as a whole, and how their commitment to faith and community can inspire us today. By shedding light on the genuine virtues of the Pharisees, I want to challenge prevailing stereotypes and encourage a deeper appreciation for their contributions to our shared spiritual heritage.
Updated and republished from 2/27/2020
Who Were the Pharisees?
The Pharisees, known as Perushim in Hebrew, were a party or “sect” of Jews who were strict adherents to the Law and who have inherited the reputation of being “holier than thou” and esteeming themselves more highly than others.
They have also become known to some as the “Jesus killers,” which is both highly inaccurate and unjust. This mischaracterization is a result of a gross misinterpretation of scripture going back centuries and an overall lack of historical scholarship which has, over time, lent itself to a very anti-Semitic view of the Jews of Jesus’ time and even today.
In reality, while some Pharisees did oppose Jesus, it was not a unanimous or defining trait of the entire group. In fact, some Pharisees defended Jesus to the Sanhedrin. It would be like me saying ALL Baptists or ALL Methodists are guilty because of the actions and views of a few in their church. It was a large sect of people, some of whom were followers of Yeshua themselves (as we will see in a moment).
It is dangerous to view this large sect, which encompassed many people with diverse views, based on the actions of a few.
They are described as the most educated of Jews and spent their lives in the study of Torah. They not only studied Law, but they also taught it.
Many teach that the Pharisees believed the Law was the only way to God.
According to Learn Religions:
I would push back on the “religious-political party” piece.
Pharisees were, for the most part, common people, with many being artisans and farmers.
I do agree with the “depicted” part of this definition, because I believe much if it was just that, a depiction.
According to The Jewish Annotated New Testament:
In other words, when forming a historical picture of the Pharisees, we cannot rely solely on the New Testament as a source given the antagonism that attaches itself to what is, overall, a small amount of information about this group when compared with the overall history of the sect.
In his book, Heirs of the Pharisees, Jakob J. Petuchowski says:
Characteristics of Pharisees
We know the Pharisees did adhere wholeheartedly to Torah Law and were experts in interpreting the Law, according to Josephus in his writings Antiquities of the Jews (section 18.12).
They believed in the resurrection of the dead, the immortality of the soul, angels and saw the lack of purity and holiness as the problem with mankind.
But they also believed that Oral Law (or the traditions of the fathers) and its interpretation were just as authoritative as the Law of Moses.
Much like we see justices of our Supreme Court deciding on matters of constitutional law and handing down opinions that would create precedent, they were doing the same with the Law of Moses and thereby Oral Law was established (which would later be written) . The Law spelled out the “what” and the Oral Law or Talmud spells out the “how”.
For instance, the Torah says to honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy but it doesn’t establish what defines work. God knew Moses and those after him could establish those boundaries or “fences“.
But to clarify one area of misconception about Pharisees and about Jews in particular – there is no belief that the Law in and of itself saves.
Jews believe repentance and atonement is what saves a person and forgives sin.
Ever doubt that? Just watch a devout Jew during morning prayers or during a Yom Kippur service. You will see repentance, not an accounting of righteous deeds!
Ok now back to the Pharisees.
They are often conflated with the Sadducees, who did NOT adhere to the same beliefs as the Pharisees.
These sects within Judaism differed on some of their beliefs, such as matters of ritual and moral purity as well as a belief in the resurrection of the dead (which the Sadducees did not believe).
The Sadducees were the Hellenised upper class where the Pharisees were the Radical Reformers.
The Sadducees saw what was wrong with their “current” societal climate at the time as being the failed rebellion where the Pharisees saw it as a lack of purity and holiness.
The Sadducees saw the solution to be a reasonable compromise and a stable government put into place where the Pharisees saw it as being that the Messiah will restore true worship.
And I think that one of the biggest differences between these two groups was that the Sadducees saw that the time for them from an eschatological (the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind) perspective was “make peace now, there will be no resurrection”. They did not believe in angels, the Spirit or resurrection.
But the Pharisaic view on this was “now and not yet”.
Now and not yet…sounds much like our own belief doesn’t it?
But What About the Pharisees Trying to “Catch” Yeshua?
We read of these religious leaders trying to find a way to “trap” Him so they might accuse Him. But the word used here for “trap” means “test”.
Were they trying to trap Him so they could have Him put to death or were they testing Him and His adherence to the Law of Moses? Here was this man, Yeshua, doing ALL these things they have never seen before and saying all these things they have never heard before. He was spending time with people that were not only sinners but pagans at the time. They wanted to know if He was steering Jews away from Judaism, which He was NOT.
So they tested Him.
We see this in the New Testament story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11)
Interestingly enough, Jesus NEVER called into question the punishment prescribed by the Law. He knew the Pharisees were in fact correct. Stoning WAS called for by the Law of Moses.
Jesus never went against the Law in this case. He held true to the Law and still showed mercy and grace.
Most Pharisees were similar to us AND more similar to Yeshua than you would think.
In fact, some scholars believe Yeshua Himself WAS of the Pharisaic sect, which is why they were often together to have these disputes to begin with. More on this in a moment.
Again, keep in mind that being a Pharisee was not a BAD thing! It has only been painted that way.
There IS a reason Yeshua spent so much time with them. If He wasn’t part of this sect, He certainly was, at the very least, quite social with them for Him to eat with them and spend so much time with them.
They believed in many of the things we do, such as the Messiah (although they differ on who He is), the resurrection of the dead, the world to come, etc.
At worst what we appear to have here going on with Yeshua and the Pharisees, many of whom came to faith in Him, is a family squabble.
Two Primary Pharasaic Schools
There were really two different main schools of the Pharisees and they were very different from each other.
There was the more temperate Beit Hillel (School of Hillel) and the more stringent Beit Shammai (School of Shammai), which is the one Yeshua often clashed with on matters of tradition.
You can often see these two going back and forth on issues in the Talmud.
Overall, many Pharisees were different than the ones we often see depicted in arguments with Yeshua or in dramatizations. That was a VERY small sampling of the whole of the Pharisees. They are responsible for the institution of the synagogue and, especially in the case of Beit Hillel, were key in preserving and fostering Judaism through the years.
To summarize, sure, I am certain SOME Pharisees believed themselves to be holier than thou and it appeared as though they thought their opinions and traditions better than others. But I could say the same of many people I come across today and so could you!
To paint the Pharisees as a sect of money-loving, hateful, vengeful people is just wrong and dare I say even dangerous.
You see, the Pharisees in general were not as far off from Yeshua as one might think.
Let’s examine this for a moment.
Who do you tend to have the most disputes with in your life? Those closest to you.
You probably have the most arguments and disputes with your own family over Thanksgiving dinner!
The Pharisees were Jews! Jesus was a Jew! Jews having arguments with Jews is not some novel idea, trust me!! I am Jewish! I have seen the women in my family argue plenty!!
Like the saying goes…ask 2 Jews get 3 opinions!
But the church has painted the Pharisees in such a way that we see them in our minds as lurking around every corner just waiting to trap Yeshua. That is not the reality.
The reason they were there to question Yeshua about His disciple’s hygiene before eating was because they were EATING TOGETHER! Table Fellowship was a HUGE part of this culture at this time and even more so after the destruction of the Temple.
These were not people who were separate and apart from Yeshua. This would be like saying no Orthodox Jew would EVER have anything to do with a Conservative Jew!
That’s just not plausible!
They lived together in the same towns, they worshipped together at the same Temple, they went to the same homes, they did life together!
Yes…there were the one or two in each group who would not be considered a mensch!
Yes there were some who kvetched about the disciples and even about the way Yeshua did things. But let’s be honest, the way Yeshua did things was DIFFERENT! And yes, there were some who outright hated Him. But the operative word is “some”.
To quote from The Jewish Annotated New Testament once again:
There was no great divide here.
Remember, Paul did not say he WAS a Pharisee, as in past tense. He said “I AM a Pharisee” – present tense. He maintained his observance of both the Law and tradition. It would be like saying “I am a Reform Jew”…it is a sect of Judaism.
I will actually quote it from the King James Version:
Again, this has been viewed by some in the church as admitting to belonging to some evil, satanic group. Yes I have had a “Christian” woman actually say that to me.
But in reality it was like saying I am an Orthodox Jew or I am a Conservative Jew. The Pharisees were a sect within Judaism just like the Essenes and the Sadducees were sects of Judaism!
This is the Messiah??
Jesus did not fit some of the Pharisees’ picture of a victorious, conquering Messiah. Ok! Some may have envisioned a different Messiah based on prophecy. They anticipated a political leader of sorts and an ushering in of the Messianic Kingdom!
Some still do today and we don’t marginalize them from society!
They had a picture of who the Messiah would be and Jesus just didn’t fit it. A lowly carpenter? Joseph’s Son? How could THIS be the Messiah?
He’s the carpenter’s son!
Doubt this is the case? Well, let’s see their own words in Matthew 13:55-57:
I mean, when I was 9 I once told my grandmother’s friends I was going to be a brain surgeon when I grew up and they thought I was a little meshuggah! Imagine telling people from your neighborhood that you’re the Messiah!
We so often focus on the divinity of Yeshua that we lose sight of the humanity of Yeshua.
We forget that He did not just step out of Heaven one day and show up declaring He’s the Messiah turning water into wine.
He was an infant. He grew up as a small boy. He played with many of these same people as children. He hung out with them as teenagers. His parents likely spent time talking with their parents after synagogue.
He studied with them. He made Bar Mitzvah with them.
His ministry did not begin until He was out of His 20’s. So they knew Him as a child, a teen and a young man long before a Messiah.
So when we think of who the modern day Pharisees might be, well, to be quite honest, I would not be offended to be compared to one myself.
Overall, they were good people. They have been painted with a very broad brush just because of their prevalence and proximity, without much thought to history and true Biblical scholarship and they appear to be a good “foil” for our narrative in the New Testament but the reality is that it is far, far messier than that.
Truth is messy!
But the truth is this – negative viewpoints of all Pharisees have come to cast a negative view on all Jews.
Viewing the Pharisees as “those Jesus killers” (again, I have had this said to me) has caused great harm. It was Pharisees in fact who defended Jesus in front of the Sanhedrin.
Let me say that again for the people in the back…It was Pharisees who defended Jesus in front of the Sanhedrin!
We need to change the way we view ALL Pharisees and ALL Sadducees and well, ALL people of any one group. I think that is just what good people do!
Modern Day Pharisees
So when asking the question, “Are you a modern day Pharisee?”, you can see ask yourself these questions (quoting/paraphrasing from the wonderful Jewish New Testament scholar, Amy-Jill Levine):
Do you believe there is both fate and free will?
Do you believe in the resurrection of the dead?
Do you believe there will be a final judgment?
Are you against elitism and inherited status and position?
Do you hold your traditions dear and want to make it easier and more meaningful for people to engage in theirs?
Do you care about multiculturalism and maintaining group identity despite the pressure to assimilate?
Would you sit down to dinner with Yeshua?
If you said yes to these then you might be a modern day Pharisee and I say good for you! It’s a good place to be!
We need to stop seeing the Pharisees as the name given to those who are judgmental, snobbish, loving money, and hating the Messiah.
That perpetuates hate toward the people the church should love – the people of Israel.
NASB – “Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation“
Tree of Life (TLV) – Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version*. Copyright © 2014,2016 by the Tree of Life Bible Society. Used by permission of the Tree of Life Bible Society.
The Jewish Annotated New Testament, Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi-Brettler; Oxford University Press; 2nd edition (September 6, 2017)
Legalism definitely lurks behind every spiritual discipline and every act of righteousness, and it wants to pounce!
Yes, righteousness, which a righteous and holy God does desire of His people, should always be tempered with grace and love. Only one was ever perfect! Man should never impose their standards of righteousness on another.
Dianne, I love your lesson here, so wonderfully spoken. I appreciate your words as I paused and reflected upon them. Blessings.
Thank you so much Paula! I am so glad you enjoyed it!
But it’s FAIR YOU SEE. And, those others? Are SAD YOU SEE!!!
That’s hilarious!!
I Really appreciate the article. Growing up Evangelical (Baptist – the full immersion kind) We learned this phrase in Sunday school to distinguish between the two groups.
Sadly, IMO, the preachers and Sunday schools that taught this, have themselves become the Christian “Sadducees”
Thank you! Yes I am thankful for people like Amy-Jill Levine who is working to educate pastors and seminaries about this.
Thank you so much for enlighting me about who a modern Pharisee is. I pray that I change my heart and that God will give me a heart that is full of grace and compassion. May I never look at the weaknesses of people but there strength. Thank you I pray for repentance in my life.
Thank you Annette! I am so glad you found the post helpful and that it inspired you to look at people in a new way! I pray we all do that!
This is really Interesting and I learnt a lot . We all need to humble ourselves and be teachable. And build a character like Jesus Christ
Amen to that!!
With all the antisemitism occurring, this article is right on time! I was reminded not to judge an entire group by the actions of a minority!!! Study to show thyself approved!
Thank you Rob!! I am hoping it helps others see the Jews and the Pharisees (I am actually a fan of theirs) in a new light.
This article is quite inspiring. Both men and the law and tradition are weak. We pray that God will give us wisdom and grace to do his perfect will .
Thanks for the elaboration. reading through has broadened my knowledge.
I am so happy to hear that!! Bless you!