1. Wow… you nailed it. As I was reading I expected to find some particular group of people that I could stay away from, or maybe even… well let’s just say I’d probably be judging them. Girl, this new enlightening moment has brought me to a new level that I need to be praying about and asking God to change me.

      1. It is good to follow the rules and still show mercy and grace. We do ALL for short and the to help each other strengthen our knowledge and understanding of what God wants from each of us. God bless us ALL.

      2. Greetings in the name of JESUS.
        Your article brings me great joy with tears in eyes but it burns my heart to see and hear in 2021 people don’t understand the scriptures. What I am writing about the ABC,s of the scriptures-A after the resurrection, B before the resurrection and C context of covenants.
        I thank you very much for your article and prophecy that you shall prosper in all things and be in good health as your soul prospers.
        GOD’S Blessings of Abraham.

    1. Excellent reading.x I love the book of Proverbs. I think when you have read it you know the way to go? It shows you what to avoid and th right thing to do.

  2. Wow, Diane! It’s been years since I’ve asked: “Who are the Pharisees today?” But honestly, I have had seasons of being an accidental pharisee and it’s always good to review that and work toward being a grace-filled disciple instead 😉 Thanks for the push.

    1. Thank you so much Tiffany! We all have those ‘Pharisee times’…as long as we don’t stay there! That is why grace is so amazing! 🙂

  3. Love this! Been contemplating this for awhile. Do I have the attitude of Christ or of a pharisee? It’s a constant effort, lol! Beautifully written!

    1. Thank you so much!!! I am so glad you enjoyed it!! Well, as much as one can “enjoy” an article on Pharisees LOL

  4. Wow! This is just an eye opener, I just found out areas that I have been defaulting while thinking others are the ones with issues. I have seen clearly areas I need to seek grace to become a better believer after the order of JESUS CHRIST. Thanks

  5. Truly this is an eye opener. I happened to be under some teachings that makes me a groomed Pharisee but now I see what to amend in my life. Above all living like Jesus is the best curative and preventive measure against Pharisee spirit. Thank you

  6. Thanks so much for your article!
    I’ve asked myself this question many times. This article helps me to not just ask who they but also keep myself in check. It is so easy to ask who the pharisees are. But the real question should be… am I one? If so, Lord… please help me!

    1. Yes and I think by asking that question it is a good indication you don’t have to worry much about it. It is when we don’t think it could possibly be us that we run into issues! Thank you so much!!

  7. What?
    Thank God for leading me to this article.
    Never knew I’ve been a Pharisee all these while.God have mercy on me and on everyone.

  8. Reading through Matthew today, in particular Chapter 21, I couldn’t help but wonder who was Jesus talking to. He spent much time addressing the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. It wasn’t to long before I asked myself the question, “Who are the Pharisees today?” After all might he talking about me? Why else would Jesus be talking negatively about the Pharisees who lived during His time in four gospels if not to get our attention? Thank you Lord !!!

  9. Thank you for this reminder to show grace to those who walk out their faith in a different way to us and how easy it is to fall into the trap of a pharisee spirit.

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