What Does it Mean to Be Holy and Blameless in the Bible?
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Imagine a life where you are considered holy and blameless in God’s eyes. A life where you are above reproach. A life of holiness. Can you imagine that? Many of us can’t, at least not when we look at ourselves. But that is exactly what we are told in the Bible we are! In this post we are going to look at and dig into the question “what does it mean to be holy and blameless in the Bible?” and how to live a blameless life in Jesus!
Holy and Blameless Meaning
Colossians 1:21-23 says:
Let’s look at what the Complete Jewish Bible says:
Blameless in the Bible Summarized
Paul says that while we were once, in essence, at enmity with God because of our wickedness, we are now reconciled and seen through the sinlessness of Messiah Yeshua, the Tzaddik or “righteous man”, and because Yeshua paid the debt that was ours to pay, we are also now seen as righteous and blameless children of God.
The Hebrew word tzaddik comes from the verb root צדק which is essentially doing what is just and righteous. We see this used most notably in Deuteronomy 16:20
Justice is the word ‘Tzedek’ which comes from the same root. So it would read ‘Tzedek, tzedek you must pursue’.
Tzedek is setting everything in the state it should be, in its just and righteous state. And the Tzaddik is a righteous person who is in the state that God first intended. It is essentially a return to Gan Eden, the Garden of Eden, and man is as he should be.
Christ Jesus is our Tzaddik and restores us to how God intended since the creation of the world; a state of being blameless and holy.
So to summarize what it means to be blameless in the Bible:
What it Means to be Blameless in the Bible
At one time all the nations were apart from God, enemies of God even. We (all people) followed perverse ways and desires of the flesh. The world was full of idolatry!
BUT…now we are redeemed, reconciled to Him by the physical death of the blameless person of Jesus.
AND, as a repentant sinner who trusts in the Messiah, we are made holy and blameless in the sight of God, without a single fault!
Blameless! Holy! Not a single fault is found in us!
Blameless by Greek Definition
In the Greek language, the word “blameless” is amōmos and it means, according to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance:
without blemish, as a sacrifice without spot or blemish
morally: without blemish, faultless, unblameable
How amazing is it that the word blameless used here is the same word used to describe a perfect sacrifice? It is the same word that describes Yeshua which makes sense because in the eyes of almighty God He sees us through Him! When He looks at us, He sees us through the lens of Yeshua!
Do you feel without spot or blemish?
You Must Continue to Believe This
Psalm 103:12
Colossians goes on to say BUT…you must continue to believe this!
Do you believe this?
Can you believe that, as the Word of the Lord states, the finished work of Jesus Christ paid your debt ONCE and for all and because of that price He paid you are holy and blameless, without fault?
Do you believe that He paid the price ONCE and because of that price He paid you are holy and blameless, without fault? Share on XOr does the enemy come in with his lies and distortions and make you feel as though you have to keep beating yourself up whenever you make a mistake?
Does he make you feel as though you haven’t DONE enough to earn God’s favor? Does he make you feel as though you haven’t atoned long enough?
Does he make you feel as though you are just too far gone for God to be able to use you or that because you have not lived YOUR life with blameless BEHAVIOR that you will always be blemished and undeserving of the Kingdom of God?
Believing Your Are Holy and Blameless Means Standing on the Word
Stand on His Word! Stand on His promises! Plant your feet firmly on the Gospel of truth and not the lies of a pitiful enemy who knows his time is short!
Your heavenly Father in His Word tells you that the gift of God almighty is eternal life in Jesus and one day you will be in the presence of His glory in His eternal Kingdom! (Romans 6:23)
Revelation 12:12 says:
He’s on borrowed time and he knows it! But you – oh you have eternal life, not through your own perfection but through the grace of God! And the enemy wants nothing more than to make you doubt that, to make you question that!
To make you question the entire Bible in fact and lean on your own understanding! To make you question your worth in Him!
He wants you to believe that there is inherently no good thing in you!
Armor up warrior of God because His Word is true and it is right and God is not a man that He should lie but the devil is the father of lies!
Armor up warrior of God because His Word is true and it is right and God is not a man that He should lie but the devil is the father of lies! Share on XNumbers 23:19
John 8:44
Lies…many of us have heard them all our lives. I know I have.
Yes, sometimes it is people who say mean things and even abuse us with their words. However, the real enemy is not flesh and blood.
Ephesians 6:12 says:
Lies like:
You’re not pretty enough!
You are not thin enough!
Why would anyone want to be your friend?
You’re not smart enough to do that job!
God would never want to use someone who has made the mistakes you’ve made!
You’ll never find love!
Sound familiar?
These and all their variations are pure lies from the chief liar!
You are holy and blameless in God’s eyes! You are a child of the one true living God. To believe you are anything different is believing a lie from a very good, very skilled twister of truth!
Living Holy and Blameless Means Silencing the Lies!
So how do you silence the lies that you have heard for years?
How do you see yourself in a way you maybe never have been able to before?
Is it possible after ALL you’ve done to ever look at yourself in the mirror and see anything but a mess?
Yes! It is possible! In God’s eyes you are righteous and God can redeem the sense of worth in Him that the enemy has stolen! Nothing is too difficult for God!
Have you been a sinner? Well, you’re in good company because we ALL are and we have all come with a past!
The Bible says that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
That says ALL have sinned. Yes in our body of flesh we make mistakes. We are human! We were at one time ungodly people focused on our own wants and needs.
But we are now faithful children of God and we are made as new creations in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Memorize those scriptures so you can replace the negative words from the enemy with a new word that comes from the holy Bible. Jesus quoted scripture when tempted in the wilderness. You can do the same to fight the lies of the enemy that tell you that you are NOT holy and blameless.
Jeremiah 32:27
Ask Him to replace those old recordings with new songs about who you are in Jesus! Share on XIs anything too hard for Him? It may not seem possible for YOU but it IS possible for Him.
Read the Word and write out scripture that replaces those old thoughts with new ones. Pray and ask Him to replace those old recordings with new songs about who you are in Yeshua!
Holy and Blameless Amidst the Darts of the Enemy
Put on the armor of God so you can battle the enemy and his lies.
Ephesians 6:11-18
The sword of the Spirit IS the Word of God. It is the only weapon listed in this list of armor. It is the only weapon we need.
Hebrews 4:12
The Word is the only weapon you will ever need.
You are holy and blameless in God’s eyes. The Word of God tells you so.
Now all you need is to…
“continue to believe this truth AND STAND FIRMLY IN IT.”
Believe this in your whole spirit and the God of peace will help you to walk in it.
Continue in this truth and in every good work with a pure heart focused on the Word until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, our High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek, to set up His Kingdom on earth!
Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved
CJB – Taken from the Complete Jewish Bible by David H. Stern. Copyright © 1998. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Messianic Jewish Publishers, 6120 Day Long Lane, Clarksville, MD 21029. www.messianicjewish.net.
Tree of Life (TLV) – Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version*. Copyright © 2014,2016 by the Tree of Life Bible Society. Used by permission of the Tree of Life Bible Society.
Excellent post Diane, learning about the accuser and his tactics is so beneficial to any believer. I know the Holy Spirit is our armor and God fights for us.
Amen! Thank you so much Rebecca!!
Amen and amen. So thankful He puts on me what I could never be on my own.
Yes!! Thank you Lauren!
Thank you so much. I hope you do not mind that I have shared this post my page!
Not at all! Thank you so much for sharing it!!
What do you think of preachers that say we can actually live “perfect” in Christ – in other words, we have the power through the Holy Spirit NOT to sin, there is still temptation but they preach that you are given the power In Christ to not have to walk in it!
We all sin. Until we reach the Messianic Kingdom sin will be in this world and just because we are forgiven doesn’t mean we don’t mess up from time to time. Repentance is the key…they should focus on that. Great question!