Bible Study Methods for Beginners – 7 Ways to Study the Word Today!
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Many people feel intimidated by the thought of studying the Bible for themselves. They think it’s too hard, or that the only path to how to study the Bible for beginners is to get experts to interpret it for them. The truth is, you don’t have to be a Bible expert to get started in Bible study. There ARE many Bible study methods for beginners out there!
In fact, there are many different ways to approach Bible study that are perfect for beginners.
In this post, we’ll outline 7 simple Bible study methods that will help you grow closer to God through the study of His Word.
So join me as we read on and explore these methods!

Originally published August 15, 2019 – Updated to align with updated methods
The idea of studying the Bible can send some people into a nervous frenzy!! They feel intimidated! They feel unqualified to read and understand it.
I get it, I was there at one time.
You want to know how to study the Bible for yourself and feel like you are really digesting what God is speaking to you through it!
Learning how to study the Bible for beginners can seem daunting! Add to that crazy schedules, and responsibilities at home and work…time seems to just be a big mountain in the way.
But there IS a way.
Bible Study Methods for Beginners – Methods You Can Truly Enjoy!
We are so blessed to have so many resources like Bible studies, devotionals and so on, but they should not replace our time spent alone in the Word, hearing what God has to say to us DIRECTLY.
While Bible studies have great value to supplement your Bible reading, you are often getting what someone else took from the Word and you can miss out on what God has to show YOU for YOUR life, YOUR walk, YOUR situation, and YOUR needs.
There are some effective methods of Bible study that you can learn to help you know and understand the Word better!
7 Effective Bible Study Methods
- Topical Bible Study – It entails looking up all the scripture passages that are relevant to a certain theme in the Bible. The ultimate goal of a topical study is to discover what God has to say about a certain topic and bring your ideas and behaviors in line with God’s truth.
- TASTE Bible Study Method – The purpose of this Bible study approach is to identify His goodness in the Scriptures and engage with Him. It is based on Psalm 34:8, “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!”.
Like our physical senses need to be trained, our spiritual senses of sight, sound, and taste must be trained and exercised on a regular basis. The goal of the TASTE method approach is to stimulate spiritual senses in both children and adults.
- Verse Mapping – The Bible study technique of verse mapping is a method of studying a passage using a diagram or chart, much like a mind-map.
Christians at all levels can benefit from this practical Bible study technique, which aids them in comprehending and explaining the Scriptures. - Chapter Analysis Method – This method takes a deep dive into a chapter from a book in the Word and you will explore it in ways you never thought possible!
- APPLE Bible Study Method – The acronym APPLE is used to describe this straightforward Bible study approach. As you read a passage or chapter of Scripture, consider how the letters may be used to help you understand and explore the text more deeply.
- Lectio Divina Method – This is a devotional style method of study that involves reading and meditating on scripture. It’s a period of defining and expressing what the Lord is saying to you.
- Word Bible Study Method – This is a method where you study one word in scripture in-depth, looking at its meaning, how many times it is used in scripture, its context and more!
Reading vs Studying the Bible
Anyone can read the Word and anyone can read a Bible study but what are you getting out of it when you read it through someone else’s lens?
There is a distinct difference between reading and studying.
In fact, in Messianic Judaism, we refer to it as the difference between reading the Torah (and we describe the Torah and encompassing the entire corpus of writings from the Older Testament to the Apostolic Writings) and acquiring Torah.
Anyone can read it, but you truly make it your own and allow it into your heart to take root that it changes you.
I am currently in seminary in a graduate program in Jewish Studies and the class I am in right now is on the Tanakh, which you may know as the “Old Testament”.
This is challenging me to really study the Word in a deep way and I realize that for much of the Tanakh, I have just been reading…for many years in fact.
Sometimes, I was merely skimming!
I was skimming or just reading about genealogies that made no sense to me until now. There IS a reason they are there! Among other things, they function like bookends around a new story coming into the picture! I wouldn’t know that just by reading.
Studying gives you a deeper meaning of not only what God is wanting to convey but also allows you to see what the original language says and allow the Word to speak for itself. And you can use these Bible study methods to do just that!
And if you are totally new to Bible study, the good news is you CAN learn how to study the Bible in a way that doesn’t make you feel like you’re back in Kindergarten. You CAN enjoy it and there are different Bible study methods to help you!
It is not a “one size fits all” endeavor! A Bible study that works for one may not work for the next person! That is why I strongly advise people to spend time directly in the Word of God as well.
Yes! There are simple Bible study methods with various ways to study the Bible that don't have to make it intimidating! Share on XRest assured, you do not need special qualifications to study the Word.
God gave us His Word in such a way that it was meant to be read BY us, not FOR us. You don’t have to have a theology degree to read and understand the Bible. You don’t need to have someone else read it and interpret it for you!
Not only CAN you read it, but you were also MEANT to read it!
It helps you know the truth directly from the Word of the Lord, and not someone’s interpretation of it.
These Bible study methods don’t interpret the Word for you. They teach you how to find meaning for yourself.
But it’s intimidating, right? And time-consuming?? We are all really busy!! Reading and really understanding scripture takes a LONG time, doesn’t it?
How to Make Bible Study Fun!
Well, it doesn’t have to take a long time. It can actually be fun with the right Bible study methods!
I get it! You may not know how to approach reading the Bible. Maybe you just don’t know where to start! Trust me, you’re not alone!!
But what if I told you, you could pick up your Bible right now and start reading it and understanding it in ways you never thought possible?
What if I told you there was a way to grow your relationship with God’s Word like no Bible study could ever achieve?
What if I told you that there are Bible study methods you can use today so that you can learn how to study the Bible for yourself?
Well, grab a cup of coffee and your Bible because there IS a way!!
What if I told you that you can learn how to study the Bible and really enjoy it? Well, grab a cup of coffee and your Bible because there IS a way!! Share on XBible Study Methods – Different Ways to Study the Bible
My friend, Arabah Joy, has developed these amazing 7-step Bible study methods that will change how you view Bible study!! You can find the methods that work best for you!
Study the Bible yourself and enjoy it!
These seven-day Bible Study Methods will:
- teach you 7 different ways to study the Bible, and 7 different methods, so you can find what works best for you
- streamline the learning process so you don’t spend weeks or months figuring it out
- give you tools for going deep into God’s Word in as little as ten minutes a day (perfect for busy moms!)
- provide ready-made templates and printables you can choose from
- show you exactly how to do each method with the daily videos
- revolutionize your time in God’s word and discover fresh intimacy with God in the process
- equip you to nourish yourself with the Scriptures
- teach you how to develop your spiritual senses
- help you establish a Bible study habit
- teach you how to study the Bible and enjoy it!!
Plus, you can start any time, go at your own pace and you’ll have lifetime access to the materials and updates. You will never have to ask how to study the Bible for yourself!
With Arabah Joy’s Bible study methods you will receive:
- 7 daily videos – one for each day of the course
- A comprehensive workbook outlining all 7 methods.
- Printable worksheets for each of the methods. These printable templates walk you step-by-step through each process.
- Follow-up challenges periodically from AJ!
And AJ is often offering various, limited time bonus materials with her course!
This has already changed how I study the Bible!
The day one activities alone just made scripture come alive for me in a way it hasn’t for a very long time!!
This is by far the best Bible study methods course I have ever invested in!! That is why I am sharing it with you!
And Arabah Joy leads you on the way with her awesome videos. You will never feel intimidated!! This course will give you a great start toward choosing the method that works best for you!! It is not a one size fits all course!! She gives you different ways to study – Bible Study Methods – 7 Ways in 7 Days!!
See the video below to learn more!
Get started today and visit Arabah Joy’s page to get more information!