1. Living in the past is so dangerous. It keeps us stuck. I’ve learned to let go of some things, but others take more time. The people who can let go of looking back and thinking “what if” are the ones who are most successful. Learning from our past mistakes is the only way to stop making them!

    1. It is tough for sure…I know it is a constant battle for me because the enemy likes to throw the past in our faces a lot!

  2. Oh, this hits me deep. I have a tendency to bring bad decisions from the past back up. I can be so judgemental of myself. But, I remind myself that I am wiped CLEAN and I can FORWARD in victory. Thank you for this reminder. Out of Egypt I go!!

  3. My small group is going through the book, “Lord, Change My Attitude” and the author was talking about this very account and the murmuring and complaining the Israelites were doing, Diane. So I’m resonating with what you’re saying here. It’s so easy to get in that place of negativity, but it’s a total insult to the Lord. Like you and Hernan have said, “Better to sink the ships!” Otherwise the Enemy will have a field day with us! Thanks for this encouragement! Found you at Lori’s linkup!

    1. Amen Beth…and I share these things because I myself struggle with them. It’s not easy to face the enemy as he dredges up past faults and refuse to look back at them!! Thank you!!

  4. Managed to find my way to your on-line home twice this morning and have been blessed both times. Forgiving ourselves and others is crucial for enjoying today moving forward. Thanks for these encouraging words! Blessings!

  5. I’m so blessed that the Lord led me here through the #GraceandTruth linkup. Just this morning the Lord has been asking me to fix my eyes ahead and commit to the path that HE has set before me. It’s so tempting to look back and to feel so inadequate for the journey. But He does call us forward, and wants to be our true Helper. Thank you so much for these words today.

  6. This is an awesome reminder. It is easy to look back sometimes especially on moments I remember with fondness, but God doesn’t operate back there. He’s not changing the past nor is He sending me back there. Love this ?

  7. When I think of “the past” – I often think of Satan using it to shame me. The past can haunt me. But, how true, that we can even be lured by the past…especially faulty images of it. Whether good (I can long for the good times, too), shameful or skewed – the past needs to be the past. Thanks for a different look at a familiar topic and story. I enjoy a post that makes me think/rethink!

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it Jennifer. And you’re absolutely right! Satan loves to use the past to make us keep reliving things Jesus already took care of!

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