1. Hi there

    WhenI was reading…I could almost experience my life story…thanks for sharing…Jesus loves us and has already liberated all of us…acceptance with faith is the key…

    Always meditate on the scriptures

    They are your whole life

    God bless


  2. Diane, This was beautiful. I’m a self-fulfilling prophet who often lets my fear of failure take over to make sure that I’ve failed.

    1. Isn’t it terrible that we allow the enemy to cause us such fear!? I will be praying for you!!

  3. This is such a true statement Diane: “Being a Christian and being a blogger doesn’t mean we have our stuff together. We just share our messes!” As a Christian blogger we learn to use our experiences to encourage others. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Amen…that is what it is all about…letting others know they are not the only ones!! Hopefully my experiences and the experiences of all of you, my fellow bloggers, can help even one person overcome their fears!!

  4. I certainly can relate to your words here. I believe many of us can. I’m am praising God with you for small victories and trusting Him for more in the future. That’s where I find myself, trusting God to help me one day at a time and asking Him to give me the courage and strength I need again tomorrow. Blessings!

  5. I’m not really sure where to start…

    I guess I’ll just say this post could have been written as a biography of my life. Sure, there are a couple of differences: I got saved as a child and no one’s ever told me I wasn’t good enough (that I can remember).

    Still, I struggle with those same feelings of fear that I’m not good enough, I’m dumb, I’m a fraud that someone – one day – will spot and call me out.

    But I also KNOW those things aren’t true, because I’m not my own. I am a child of the Most High, and He calls me ‘Beloved.’ I am everything I need to be because He’s enough.

    Thank you for writing this post. It’s touched me more than I can say today. I pray you’ll feel God’s love and acceptance more and more each day in your own struggles with that old liar – fear. I’m SO glad I found your post today (at the Grace and Truth linkup). Blessings!

    1. Ashley your comments really touched my heart! Thank you for sharing your own struggle…and for sharing your truth! We can rebuke the enemy’s lies with God’s truth!! We are His and therefore we are good enough!! We will have those thoughts and struggles but we CAN overcome them with His truth!! Thank you again for your comments!!

  6. Diane, words have a way of stinging and staying with us for a very long time, don’t they? They even tend to define who we are. But as you’ve found the enemy is a liar. I’m so glad you’re finding freedom from his grip.

    I love what you said about Christian bloggers — we don’t have it all together but we can share our messes, mistakes and missteps all while pointing others to the One who offers grace!
    Blessings to you!

  7. Hi Diane, I just want to say this post was absolutely beautiful. Whatever you do, don’t quit blogging! You have been given a gift no one can deny. Thank you for your honest transparency. I am saying a prayer for you and Christian women bloggers everywhere right now! Because we all can relate to one degree or another (the comments are proof of that).

    1. Alyson your comment just made my heart so happy and was such a blessing to me today!! Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement.

  8. My favorite quote from the article, “I still struggle to believe what God believes about me.” I can relate…it takes separating lies from Truth as you pointed out. So encouraging!

  9. Diane this is beautiful and heartwrenching. This describes me too. I believe God is digging deeper into this area for me. He is desiring greater healing and freedom. Thank you for sharing so transparently and tenderly. I needed to hear this today. Love you!

    1. Oh Desiree thank you so much and I am so glad you found it encouraging (even if a little heartwrenching)…so many of us struggle with these issues and I hoped it would help others know they are not alone! Love you sis!!

  10. Beautiful. It resonated deeply within my heart. I lived a similar story for far too long. Praise God for healing and knowing Whose we are!

    Sharing this everywhere!♥

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