
Prayer seems like it should be so easy, doesn’t it? After all, it is just a conversation!

But many of us have been in churches where it was very formal and we may not know how to approach the Creator of the Universe to speak with Him and hear what He has to say to us.

And He does want to speak to us!

It’s not just about telling God all our needs and wants, but it IS conversation and that involves listening as well.

I will share information on prayer such as how to pray when you don’t know where to begin, how to pray scripture and how prayer is just a time to speak with your Father in Heaven even when you have no words left!

The Bible tells us when we have no words the Spirit intercedes for us!! How comforting is that? When we are so sorrowful we cannot find the words, the Spirit prays for us!

A man's hands folded in prayer on a Bible with the Worth Beyond Rubies logo at the bottom for post on how to pray according to the Bible

How to Pray According to the Bible – Learn How to Pray the Scriptures

Do you feel at times that your prayers just don’t seem to articulate what you want to say? Maybe you are new to prayer and just don’t know WHAT to say. One of the most powerful ways to pray is praying the Word of God. When you learn how to pray according to the Bible and how to pray the scriptures, it can give you the words to pray when you cannot find them yourself. So let’s dig in and learn how to pray according to the Bible and begin to allow the Holy Spirit to flow through you in prayer through the Word.