1. Diane, I love learning from you. When I saw that we were neighbors today at #heartencouragementThursday, I immediately said, “Oh good! I love her posts.” Thank you for sharing about the Festival of Purim. How interesting! Esther was a brave woman. Mordecai even more so. What a champion of righteousness both were. But the topper of them all is God. We serve a faithful, faithful Father. Oh, how thankful I am. Enjoy His faithfulness today, friend.

    1. Thank you so much my friend!! I love your posts as well!!! I actually just got ready for the day (running a bit behind today lol) and I’m heading to the link up to do some reading so can’t wait to see yours!!

  2. Is this study in book form, or just the article? My Bible study group would LOVE to study this but I can’t find the book…

  3. I discovered at the beginning, when you were trying to explain how it was an historical book, you didn’t spell God in full. Any reason for that.

    In other news, I’ve spent about an hour on your different posts, and I want to say God bless you.

    1. The places where God is written as G-d is because I was quoting writing that were written that way. It is often done in Judaism to protect God’s name from being defiled. So they avoid writing it out in full out of respect, even when it is written as God which is more His title than His Name. In addition, we will use the term HaShem when referring to the written Name of God (it literally means “the Name”) in less formal ways (like in conversation) and use Adonai in more formal ways like in scripture and prayer! So it is all out of a high level of respect and awe for the Name of God.

  4. An interesting book to study. One important aspect of the book was when Haman organized for a decree to annihilate all Jews during that time and with the date being also given. If Esther had not intervened with her fasting and the subsequent intervention of almighty God, the Jews people would have been no more now. But God had a bigger plan for the Jews and the whole world. The birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and our Saviour. Persia then is Iran now. Something to think about. God Bless you all.

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