1. We did newborn foster care years ago. You addressed the bittersweet part of it so beautifully. Even though we know they will leave at some point … it’s always hard. They take a little piece of us with them and leave a little piece of themselves behind. Blessings!

  2. Thank you so much for your describing it so perfectly!! We got our 1st placement on January 1st a 1 month old baby boy… yesterday he was taken with a family member so just trying to process what just happen and allowing feeling all of this emotions that never experienced before it is painful like I never imagined… but trusting in the Lord! Thank you so much!!

  3. My husband and I had our son and daughter-in-law live with us for 5 years in our large home. Now, after being the main care provider for our 4 year old granddaughter, the daughter-in-law takes her to Wisconsin to an apt with a man (called her cousin!). There is no communication from her and left our son in pain. I can’t imagine what this little girl’s life is now like? The pain is beyond…

    1. I am so so sorry. I can only imagine the worry and fear you feel each day for her and the loss you and your son feel without that communication. I am praying for her, for you and your son and that you hear from her soon and that she is safe and protected. It is such a scary thing and my heart just breaks for you all.

  4. My daughter Desirae and her husband Kyle are going through losing their foster baby Maylea, she has been with them from 2 days old to now 6 mos old and reunifying with birth mom within next month. We are praying for birth mom and that drug addiction will not endanger this baby. Praying for my daughter and son in law who are grieving and scared. There’s no way to let go easily, and our whole family loves this baby so much. We are drawing on all our faith in God that he holds her in the palm of his hand.

    1. They are in my prayers. It is so difficult!! I am praying for their sweet baby and that the reunification would be successful and that birth mom would do the right thing for her daughter. I know that after 6 months, that baby is a member of your family and it feels like such a loss. I pray that God would give you all peace and comfort during such a difficult time.

  5. Thank you for this post. We are foster parents and have had our 3-year-old for 2 1/2 years now (since she was 8-months-old). We were moving toward permanent guardianship and then found out this week, she will start the process of reunification with her birth mom. My husband, our 3 other children and I are beyond devastated and heartbroken but we are trusting God and know that he loves her even more than we do. Praying his protection over her and her family and comfort and peace for us as we help guide her through this most difficult time. Thanks for the prayers.

    1. Oh I am so so sorry. I can’t even imagine how heartbreaking that is for you after raising her for so long but yes, you are right. God does love her even more and He will not only watch over her but He will heal your hearts in time. I am praying for you, your family and that sweet little girl and bless you for being such wonderful parents to her when she needed you.

  6. Is there a reunification grief support
    Group? We had two boys for 3.5 years and they were 26 months and a week shy of four years old when we got them. We were told termination of parental rights was going to begin multiple times. And yet they were reunified with their birth month July of 2021. She kept in touch with us for about 4 weeks and after that cut us off out of no where, a false CPS was called on us (lies) and they were removed from birth mom by 9/10/21. But the agency couldn’t and wouldn’t return them to us because of the false CPS call. It’s been a night mare! Even after it was not founded and closed they wouldn’t return them to us and there was nothing we could do legally because they were not in our care. Any information on a grief group like this would be so helpful. God bless.

    1. I am sure there are but it would vary from state to state. If you join a Facebook group for Foster Parents for your state, they would be the best ones to suggest one. Most states have their own FB groups for fostering and adoption and those foster parents know pretty much every resource in their state. So I would suggest starting there. Did you have a support worker assigned to you? Not a DCF worker but one that worked solely to provide you with support and make sure you’re ok? Again, that may vary from state to state. I had one but I am sure not all states do.

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