1. In 2008 I’ve started practicing meditation. Since then I’ve changed so much, in particular, in my relationship with others. Today I am more interested in having peace around me than winning arguments. I loved your article.

  2. All good points 🙂
    It is important to be a thermostat in my opinion – you are totally right about reflecting the stressful behavior back at someone and that is not helpful for any involved. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I would have never thought about this. The title of your article is what drew me in. I love this though. It’s so true. I am way too often the thermometer. 🙁

  4. Wonderful example you have used to explain. Marriage can be difficult and every marriage has ups and downs. How we handle these is if we succeed.

  5. Now I have a name for what I’ve been trying to focus on in my home and life! I have been a thermometer, but I am working on becoming a full time thermostat! I just love your perspective on this and what a great analogy! There is a lot to learn from this and I think what helps me is I can now visually focus on something (the thermometer vs the thermostat) whenever I see conflict on the horizon. Great read 🙂

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