1. Love this post. Its so true how the enemy goes after us in the little trivial things in life. I love the analogy of the bucket collecting water.

  2. I’ve never thought of the little drops in the bucket metaphor for attacks from the Devil. It’s so true! It’s easy to ignore the little things that are taking our focus away from God because at the moment they seem insignificant. It’s important to be aware of our habits and whether they are honouring to God.

  3. Such a timely post as a friend and I were just talking the other day about the works of the enemy. I picture it being a courtroom with the enemy constantly trying to prove a case against us… deep stuff, but I love your approach to this! XO

  4. I always ask people who have decided to stop coming to church if they are praying to Heavenly Father, reading scriptures etc. Usually they aren’t doing these things. I ask what are you substituting for these things? How it all begins.

  5. This is so true! We have come to recognize this and point it out to each other on our ministry team- if an event is happening that night, we expect to meet negativity, discouraging thoughts, headaches and interruptions to our plans. Little drops of water all day because God has big plans for us!

  6. Thank you for this reminder that little by little adds up to a lot. And that going to God shuts it down.

  7. Great post! The enemy certainly does know exactly what our weak spots are and he is excellent at targeting them. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Couldn’t sleep last night and decided to get up and study the word and prayer time. Not sure how I found this, however it was PERFECT! I so needed to read this tonight with everything going on in life for me today; this week / year. Thank you so much

    1. I am so glad you found it encouraging just when you needed it. God has a wonderful way of giving us what we need right when we need it! Blessings!

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