1. Living in Atlanta, I had an oak in the front yard. It probably saw Sherman march through. We were concerned it would fall, it has gone through tornadoes and ice storms, it is still there. I wish I did know the age of it, I read so much history, some soldier may have taken cover there when it was young. I can’t say it was there for sure but it is possible. Having deep roots keeps us standing in any storm.

  2. I see so much lately that promotes getting into God’s word deeply through reading our bibles. And really spending time knowing who God is and our identity through Him. This gives me hope that God’s word is becoming a focus of many so that we can stand tall and steady throughout any storms or attacks by the enemy! Thanks for following God’s call and bringing this message to others.

  3. The hurricane story was so scary! Glad to hear the your hubby was not hurt. The verse from Matthew is one of my favorites. “Roots before fruits” is a great way to live your life.

  4. YES! I love this! It reminds me of Psalm 1 – I want to be the tree that never withers. George Muller had a lot to say about the necessity of time spent in prayer and God’s Word in the life of a fruitful Christian. (I was going to share a quote here, but there are too many. 🙂 )

  5. Such great points! I know the “be fruitful” tree analogy well, but I tend to forget about those details of how trees actually get their nourishment. We need deep roots for sure. For me right now, I’m trying to grow in my prayer life, specifically in praying continually throughout the day.

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