1. What an encouraging post! Thank you for this reminder today. May our thresholds invite people into our lives as we live out the next hours of our lives. Blessings, Tammy

  2. Wise words, as always! The idea of a threshold is so clear, I love how proverbs uses word pictures like this. It’s good to step back and see how we are presenting ourselves and our faith to the world!

  3. I love how you dive into the very meaning of verses, highlighting words and their roots so we can easily understand, Diane. I love reading a Proverb a day as well! Lends itself well to the calendar. Thank You, Jesus.

    1. It’s really great! So much wisdom imparted every day of the month and then multiple times a year! And it seems no matter how many times I read them, God always shows me something new!

  4. I wonder how many times my pride has caused someone else to stumble. 🙁 This is a sobering message, Diane. Thanks for sharing your insights on Proverbs with us.

  5. Diane, this was wonderful. I tell my kids and my middle school sunday school class that they may be the only Bible that someone reads. I then ask them the question, “What are they reading?”. Thanks so much for sharing.

  6. This post taught me something! I love the way you explained the meaning of the second portion of scripture. Thank you! I look forward to the day I can make time to dig deep into the Word to learn these kinds of things! Thank you so much for sharing!

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