1. This is really good. Thanks for posting this. The necklace example reminds me of one birthday when I wanted a drum machine, had dropped hints about it and ended up getting some Star Trek wall posters instead which I then felt obligated to put up on my wall. The two were not quite the same thing!

    God does often answer things differently, but then I think it’s more about whether we allow the thing we’ve been hoping for to become the source of our happiness and turn into an idol, especially when that thing is not met. Are we seeking God only for that thing, or are we seeking him for himself, regardless of whether our expectation is met?

  2. It appears Diane, we have a theme going! Or possibly God does! Wink, wink…You may enjoy my post “Berry tea & Expresso coffee”

    You’re welcome to drop by for a cup of inspiration,

    1. Great post! Reading about demitasse brought back memories of my mom! Any post with coffee in it is a good post LOL

  3. This discussion brought up issues from the past that I haven’t really wanted to deal with and need to address. Great examples to share and help over come.

  4. What an important lesson! It’s true – our expectations can often make us ungrateful for all of the wonderful things we have in life. Thanks for sharing. God bless you.

  5. This is so good! And SO TRUE!! Love how the Lord reveals things to us through the simple things in life, like coffee! I need to put all my expectations on God and let Him take care of me in His way! ❤

  6. This is so great!!!! I really really love how God uses such simple things like coffee to teach us important lessons. I remember being on a walk and I saw a little plant pushing up through the pavement. God showed me strength and perseverance in that moment and I still picture that sweet little plant that worked so hard to get to the sun.

  7. I really enjoyed reading this and I can relate on many levels. I have been dealing with chronic illness for 2 years. I pray for healing, my husband prays for healing and my church family prays for healing. Healing hasn’t come. God’s healing doesn’t come in the forms that we anticipate and our idea of healing isn’t necessarily what God sees as our true healing.

    Thank you so much for sharing this perspective.

    1. Jen thank you for sharing!! Yes..sometimes God has a plan for healing that looks different than what we envision!! I will be praying for you!!

  8. I really enjoyed this you hit so many points right on the head. So many times are expectations block from the blessings! Thank you for this!

  9. Oh, Diane! This post rang my bell, and might have punched my ego in the gut! I’ve been writing to understand the benefits of prayer, even when it seems they go unanswered. It has been an amazing journey. So cool to see how God uses everyday things to get our attention. I love seeing other writers write about the same topic, from different perspectives. I am especially humbled when I get thrown in the mix! Tells me he has a message that bears repeating! He’s so good to give us confirmation after confirmation after confirmation.

    1. Isn’t He amazing? So many times he uses other writers to speak about the very things we are struggling with!! I love His confirmations in that way!! Thank you so much!!!

  10. What a great illustration! I think expectations are probably the most difficult challenge in marriage…especially when both parties are conflict avoidant and don’t state their expectations. (Not that I know ANYTHING about that, hahaha!). I’ll be tweeting and pinning this post!

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