1. Yes! This is so true and something that I needed to hear. I do that a lot with my spouse. He shows me he loves me all the time, but instead of being happy about that, I get frustrated because it’s not in the way I wanted to be shown. That’s for the holy slap in the face. Lol. That’s a good thing, btw.

  2. This post speaks volumes. I try to ground myself as much as I can and give thanks for the simple things that we tend to take for granted. However, I do have my moments where I expect a certain thing and do get upset if it’s not what I had hoped. Most of the time I end up feeling guilty because that’s such a sad way to look at things. We got from point A to point B, but it wasn’t in the matter that I had hoped. OH. WELL!

  3. This is very thought provoking. Expectations can make or break an event. I might share this idea with my students when school starts. Thanks!!

  4. Guilty as charged! But hopefully, by God’s grace, I’m learning to do better. I want to trust His provision and follow where He leads but too often I sound like those Exodus wanderers. I’m so thankful for His patience and willingness to show me a better way! Fantastic post, Diane!

    1. Amen…I am so thankful that our Father is ever patient and gracious toward us and never tires of teaching us those lessons!! Thank you so much Deb!!

  5. Seriously! What a great lesson! This is so applicable to our daily lives. I struggle with expectations constantly, usually when it comes to my kids. ??‍♀️ I am constantly having to remind myself that my expectations need to be lowered, because otherwise I get overly frustrated with petty things. One simple thing can ruin my mood if I have set my expectations too high. Thanks for this great reminder!

    1. Yes!! Nothing like expectations to drive us head first into a bad mood! I am so guilty of this!! Thank you Tiff!!

  6. This! So so true! Currently going through a situation in which I have put an expectation on God. Of course, it’s all in His hands and His timing – but it’s funny how we throw our own expectations around like confetti. This was a great reminder that the “Man Upstairs” has it all under control and how I need to release my expectations to Him and let His will be done!

    1. Amen Linda…sometimes it is so hard in our humanity to just let go! But He’s got us!! And it is something I have to constantly remind myself of!! His grace and provision is far better than my expectations every time!!

  7. Love this! I’ve absolutely placed expectations on God. Timing is the first thing that comes to mind, especially with having kids. But He knows best! Unmet expectations are one of the biggest barriers to a healthy marriage as well, I’ve found. My hubby and I have had 16 years so far to work on it, and we’re improving! 🙂

  8. This is so crazy! I did the exact same thing today when I picked up my coke and took a sip expecting thinking it was my water bottle. I was actually disgusted, and I threw the coke in the trash can. My students who witnessed the whole event take place were so confused. Like, what was wrong with the coke? I really had no response except I though I was taking a huge sip of water. I love coke. I bought the coke. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it except it wasn’t water. What a powerful comparison you have made here!!!

    1. Thank you so much Brittany! Isn’t that funny that something we normally love can disgust us so much just by thinking we are getting something else?

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