1. What a great application for this well known story! I can’t imagine trying to clunk my way to safety (never mind victory! in ill-fitting armor, particularly if I wasn’t used to wearing it. This is such a practical thought for all the times we are tempted to “advise” people on solutions to their problems based on our own individual experience. There’s all kinds of room for God to work in different ways, and we need to respect that.

  2. I always love your posts! You made me consider the story of David and Goliath (and Saul) in a different way. I think this is common but problems are not one size fits all. Thank you for this reminder, my friend!

  3. One of my favorite stories of the Bible from since I was a young girl. There are so many truths in this one story!! Great reminders here for me today!!

  4. I love this whole concept. I have never thought of it before! Great post and something I will think of often, I’m sure.

  5. H Diane, the more I have studied armor, I am convinced the armor of God is in a sense, the Holy Spirit, and when things are too big for us He steps in. And while even God’s armor may be too big for us, at times,it is a perfect fit to get us to power, love and a sound mind.

  6. Ooh! Ouch! I have to say, you did it again. Especially as a mother this really resonates with me. Facing my giants, and teaching my boys to face theirs, requires the armor of God, fitted for me in my struggles!

  7. This is so incredibly powerful! It’s so easy to fight battles in our lives according to someone’s advice or wisdom instead of going to God for guidance and fighting according to HIS wisdom.

  8. Yes! Love the application of this lesson. This is a huge thrust of what we try to do in our ministry – to help people find God’s solution for their problems and fight equipped in His armor for them! We’re so prone to seek out formulas for our problems, but God has made us each unique, and He has given us His living and active Word to show us the way! Thanks Diane!

  9. This is very good, Diane. Too often we try to fight our unique battles with someone else’s armor meant for THEIR battles. God designed our armor specifically for us, knowing what we would need. Thanks for this beautiful reminder to stay in our lane.

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