1. Glad to see someone addressing this instant gratification issue. Everything is throw away, replace. Have to have the latest and greatest. Root of many problems.

  2. So true. Instant gratification can bring regret when we are ruled by our emotions. We don’t want to be like Esau and realize later that we really do want what we foolishly gave away.

  3. I love this!! Esau was definitely hangry 😉

    And I absolutely agree – so often in life, instant gratification is immediately followed by regret. Good spiritual truth <3

  4. This is something I’m always trying to talk to my kids about. Not taking the time to think through the consequences or even what the best solution is rather than anything that comes to mind.

  5. “The problem with instant gratification is it often comes with regret. Once we get what we wanted we soon realize the extent of what we gave up to get it.” So true! That we would remember that.

  6. this is such a great read, with our culture of speed, we get caught up into the mentality of wanting everything RIGHT NOW without a thought on what we could be sacrificing to get that instant gratification. thanks for sharing this word.

  7. Diane, I enjoyed this post. We just went over this exact story of Jacob and Esau in Sunday School. It definitely makes us rethink the way that we look at things that we desire with our flesh, and what it may cost us. Thank you so much for sharing.

  8. And I was just praying about a longing I’d really like to find a way to meet NOW. But God. Timely, sound message for me. Thank you!

  9. What a great post! Waiting can be difficult, but throwing away God’s best for a bowl of stew is folly. Oh, that I would have the fortitude to wait for His answers and direction! Your neighbor at Tune in Thursday, Tammy

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