How to Pray – The ACTS Prayer Method and 4 Steps to Powerful Prayers
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Are you struggling to find the words to pray, or feeling uncertain if your prayers are being heard? Do you desire a deeper connection with God, but feel like your prayers are hitting a ceiling? You’re not alone! Praying with confidence is a skill that can be developed, and you can start now with a simple yet powerful framework; the 4-step ACTS Prayer Method: a timeless and effective way to pray with clarity, purpose, and most importantly, confidence.
By incorporating Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication into your prayer practice, you’ll be amazed at how your conversations with God become more authentic, intimate, and life-changing.
In this post, we’ll dive into the ACTS prayer method and explore how it can help you pray with confidence, deepen your faith, and experience the transformative power of prayer.
And…get your FREE instant download of our ACTS Prayer Method Workbook below to go along with the information you will learn!

Pray with Confidence Using the ACTS Prayer Method
I first learned about the ACTS method of prayer years ago.
This method is especially useful if you are a new believer and prayer seems kind of daunting or you just don't know where to start!! Share on XThe ACTS acronym will help you remember each phase of your prayer time and it follows a logical order for prayer. The best part, it’s simple enough that even kids can follow it and make the most of their prayer time as well!
As I mentioned, this prayer method is based on the acronym ACTS. It stands for:
In the ACTS method of prayer, we start off with the act of adoration and of praising God. We want to tell God how much we love Him and worship Him. There are many different ways to offer God praise.
Ways to Show Adoration
Praise Him for His Holiness
Praise Him for His Grace and Mercy
Give Him praise for His Love
Praise Him for our salvation and the work of the cross
Praise Him for His omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence
Give Him praise for His faithfulness
Praise Him for His healing
Praise Him for His friendship
Give Him Praise for His forgiveness
Praise Him that He is coming again
You may even decide to use music to offer praise during this time! Whatever moves your heart in praise for Him is fine!
“But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house,
At Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You.”
Psalm 5:7

Before we launch into making supplication to God, we should confess those things we have done that not only sin against God but that we feel condemnation over.
It can be difficult for us to get into communion with the Lord and pray with confidence at all if we feel any degree of condemnation or sinfulness.
That is why the ACTS Prayer Method places confession at this point!
This act of confession should lift that burden, knowing that if we confess our sins God forgives us. True repentance is turning away from those things that are sinful.
It is more than just saying we are sorry. It is a willingness to change that behavior.
This is a time to open up and be honest with the Lord AND yourself about the things you have done to sin against Him or others, and how you plan to change those things. This is also a good time to ask Him for His help if it is an area you continuously struggle with.
Lay all your sins at the foot of the cross and ask for Him to forgive. Pray with confidence that the blood of Jesus covers your sins and makes you white as snow.
Sometimes when we confess our sins we don't FEEL forgiven. That is a lie the enemy wants us to believe and a burden he wants us to bear. Share on XSometimes when we confess our sins we don’t FEEL forgiven. That is a lie the enemy wants us to believe and a burden he wants us to bear. It is a hinderance to praying with confidence and he knows that. He wants us to feel too weighed down with sin to come before the throne.
Know that you are forgiven! Your feelings will get in line with the truth. The enemy wants you to feel condemnation. But you can rely on God’s truth!
I love to pray God’s Word and a good scripture to pray if you are still feeling that sin burden is:
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9

Next in the ACTS method of prayer, we should offer God thanks; for who He is, for what He has done for us, for forgiving us for falling short, and for all the blessings He has given us in our lives.
No is also an answer to prayer! It just may not be the answer you were looking for! Share on XThank Him for answered prayers. It is always a good idea to keep a prayer journal so that you can see where God has answered your prayers. And remember, a “No” is also an answer to prayer…just maybe not the answer you were looking for!
Thank Him for everything you can think of! When we desire to pray with confidence it must include thankfulness!
For the struggles you are going through because it is through the struggles that God can show Himself to us the most.
Thank Him for your salvation, the salvation of friends and family. Thank Him that you woke up this morning! This is one of my favorite parts of prayer because many times we lose sight of just how blessed we really are. It is through thanksgiving that we can truly see how much God blesses us.
“…in everything give thanks;
for this is God’s will for you in Messiah Yeshua.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18
SUPPLICATION – Praying With Confidence is Your Right!
Now it is time to tell God what your needs are. When you pray with confidence it means recognizing that we as believers have the right to come boldly before the throne of grace to ask for help in times of trouble. You are a child of the King so you have the right, through Messiah, to be in His presence.
Tell God what your needs are. Pray for your loved ones, friends or neighbors who are in need of prayer. Anything you need to speak to the Lord about, He is there to listen.
But part of my supplication stage also includes asking for Him to speak to me about anything He wants to share.
So I spend some time during this phase LISTENING to Him as much as I do talking to Him. It is during this time that God has given me some awesome insights and revelations.
Please do not skip that part of your prayer time. It is truly a two-way relationship. We don’t just talk AT our loved ones, we listen as well. We should do the same with God. When we pray with confidence and boldness it is more than just asking, it is hearing and hearing with the confidence that God WILL speak to us!
It seems silly to ask God for help in a situation and then walk away before He even has a chance to speak that help to us!
“Therefore let us draw near to the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help in time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16 TLV

ACTS Prayer Model for Kids
In Conclusion
So the ACTS method of prayer should give you a good framework and a compass to guide you toward praying with confidence. You will obviously mold it into what fits for you as time goes by, but this will give you a place to begin that will keep you focused during your prayer time.
Set a goal to make prayer a constant in your life!
As mentioned earlier, I highly recommend a prayer journal so you can write down what God speaks to you through your time with Him and also help you recall those who need prayer. I also recommend a gratitude journal so you can recall all God has done for you and remember to thank Him for it.
Recalling all God has done in your life and how He has answered prayers time and time again will make you pray with confidence all that much more easily because you can actually see the end results of so many prayers!
Get Your Free Workbook
To help you start using this method, we are making this workbook available for you! Just click the button and download!
You can also get a copy of this post as an E-Book without ads so you can reference it any time you’d like!

I pray you will find the ACTS Prayer method helpful and rewarding! And be sure you grab your FREE ACTS Method of Prayer workbook below as my gift to you!
And if you have used the ACTS Prayer Model and it has helped you in your prayer life, let me know in the comments below!
Tree of Life (TLV) – Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version*. Copyright © 2014,2016 by the Tree of Life Bible Society. Used by permission of the Tree of Life Bible Society.
NASB – “Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation“
Great post! I’ve enjoyed the ACTS method during many seasons over the years. It definitely helps to keep me focused and prevents me from spending all my time asking for my own needs and wants.
Yes it certainly does keep us from focusing too much in any one area…like supplications!! Thank you Jana!
I also have heard about this years ago…think I’m going to revitalize it and do a page in my #biblequiltjournal to hold me accountable. Thanks for the reminder!
That is great!!So glad you enjoyed it!
I love this acronym, because I have exactly the same problem! My mind wanders! This will be helpful to remember and apply.
I’m glad you found it helpful! Thanks Amy!
I love using prayer models like ACTS. I find that my prayers are so much more balanced and end up sounding like a kid’s christmas list to Santa otherwise.
I hear that!!!
Absolutely beautiful. I have been waiting a few days wit this page open in order to read it but today is when I finally got to it. Such rich truth and the most precious of all is how evident it is that it is done out of love and relationship. Without the intimacy there can be no relationship and this definitely produces intimacy as it is done out of intimacy. My favorite of all? “Please do not skip that part of your prayer time. It is truly a two-way relationship. We don’t just talk AT our loved ones, we listen as well. We should do the same with God. When we pray with confidence and boldness it is more than just asking, it is hearing and hearing with the confidence that God WILL speak to us!”
It is a part of relationship that is forgotten at times, especially with The Lord and I believe that it is our greatest strength to have ears that hear Him. The truth is, He’s only been around for eternity. . .
Thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed the post! And yes it is a part of relationship that is forgotten!!
ACTS mode forms a comprehensive structure encompassing all essential ingredients arranged in the right order. It certainly acts .
Very well said! Thank you!!!
God bless you
Thank you and God bless you as well!
This is really amazing blog, glad that I found this blog, keep up the good work.
I am so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for visiting!!
I have been looking for something like this, my prayers don’t seem in depth or powerful. I am def gonna start using this today!
I am so glad!! And if you sign up for the free workbook you’ll get notifications about new courses and so on. I am working on one about prayer that will be coming out soon and it’s going to go through the history of prayer and how prayer was used in Israel. Also, I dont know if you saw but I do have a post on praying with intention. That might help you as well. The link is
Bless you as you begin this step into deeper prayer!
It does help so much to have a method for organizing our scattered thoughts!
Amen to that! Mine get more scattered every year LOL