1. Great post! I’ve enjoyed the ACTS method during many seasons over the years. It definitely helps to keep me focused and prevents me from spending all my time asking for my own needs and wants.

    1. Yes it certainly does keep us from focusing too much in any one area…like supplications!! Thank you Jana!

  2. I also have heard about this years ago…think I’m going to revitalize it and do a page in my #biblequiltjournal to hold me accountable. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. I love using prayer models like ACTS. I find that my prayers are so much more balanced and end up sounding like a kid’s christmas list to Santa otherwise.

  4. Absolutely beautiful. I have been waiting a few days wit this page open in order to read it but today is when I finally got to it. Such rich truth and the most precious of all is how evident it is that it is done out of love and relationship. Without the intimacy there can be no relationship and this definitely produces intimacy as it is done out of intimacy. My favorite of all? “Please do not skip that part of your prayer time. It is truly a two-way relationship. We don’t just talk AT our loved ones, we listen as well. We should do the same with God. When we pray with confidence and boldness it is more than just asking, it is hearing and hearing with the confidence that God WILL speak to us!”

    It is a part of relationship that is forgotten at times, especially with The Lord and I believe that it is our greatest strength to have ears that hear Him. The truth is, He’s only been around for eternity. . .

  5. ACTS mode forms a comprehensive structure encompassing all essential ingredients arranged in the right order. It certainly acts .

  6. I have been looking for something like this, my prayers don’t seem in depth or powerful. I am def gonna start using this today!

    1. I am so glad!! And if you sign up for the free workbook you’ll get notifications about new courses and so on. I am working on one about prayer that will be coming out soon and it’s going to go through the history of prayer and how prayer was used in Israel. Also, I dont know if you saw but I do have a post on praying with intention. That might help you as well. The link is https://www.worthbeyondrubies.com/the-power-of-prayer-intention/
      Bless you as you begin this step into deeper prayer!

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