1. Powerful post, Diane. Comparing ourselves to others comes naturally to us humans. And oh, doesn’t the enemy just love it! A few years ago, I listened to a podcast by Andy Stanley called the The Comparison Trap. I’ll never forget one he conveyed that has always stuck with me. God never compares any of His children to the others. We are all created in His image, yet unique and wonderful by design. So instead of looking to the right or to the left, practice looking up to God, our Creator.

    1. Wow thank you for sharing that Karen!! I will have to see if I can find that message! I’d love to hear it! Thank you so much!!

  2. Comparison is the thief of joy and is one of satan’s best tools to keep us from living fully in Christ. We must always remember that our story is ours to share. Each one of us has a testimony that someone else needs and what someone else has, well, God has a plan for why they have it. By focusing more on our own personal story, our own gifts, and seeing how we can turn them into something that can bring more glory to God – this is how we get past the comparison game.

  3. Wow your timing on this couldn’t have been any more perfect. God knew this is a message that I really needed to hear today!

  4. Diane, this is so full of God’s wisdom. We know these things for the most part but sometimes it seems so hard not to live our lives based on what is not even real. All your points are true, but lack of contentment seems to be a big one. Blessings! BTW, I signed up for the SEO course last week. It has been very helpful and I haven’t even finished it yet.

    1. Amen and thank you so much Donna! And I am so glad you are finding the SEO course helpful!! It is really an amazing course!!

  5. You’re right that we don’t need to compare ourselves to others because it’s comparing ourselves to a myth. I’m thankful that God doesn’t size us up according to our deeds or weight or pictures on Facebook. 🙂 We are his beloved just as we are!

  6. Thank you for this reminder! Lately, I’ve been thinking I need to take more pictures. You know, post-worthy pictures. Maybe try to take some of my own. But then doing that is so much work. I don’t have the patience to fix up my fake life. 😉 Seriously, though, great post. And I’ll definitely be keeping your tips in mind!

  7. This used to be my reality – comparison. God has helped me to see that my life is what He intended for me and that social media is, just as you say, staged or snapshots in time. Thank you for the poignant reminder!

  8. It is a pit isn’t it. We we all fall into it some time or another. Thanks for the wise words.

  9. Hey Diane–with no word from you for a couple of weeks, and no announced break, I’m concerned. Hope all is well with you.

    1. Hi Barbara…actually I am on summer break. It was announced on the Link Up page in the upper menu…sorry about that! And I’m so sorry to make you concerned…but I thank you for checking up on me!! <3

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