1. I have learned a lot about being a true friend. May the Almighty Lord empower me into being one and may I also have such friends

  1. I have a friend who is seriously ill. Her name is Barbara. She has stage 5 cancer of pancreas. I have been praying for her and i introduced Jesus to her. Please pray with me for her. She lives in Canada. Thank you and God bless!!

    1. Hello how is your friend ? I pray all is well rather here or with the Father . God is able to do exceedingly abound above all we can even ask .. have a blessed day

  2. For many months I was very ill with liver disease and would soon die without a liver transplant. Before my transplant I felt as if I had a strong faith but during my illness my faith became unimportant to me. I still believed there was a God but I thought about God very infrequently and prayed almost never. My faith just didn’t matter anymore to me. But my wife, daughters, friends and church prayed for me. After my transplant I knew how gracious God had been to me and I continue to be thankful that God spared my life. My faith was renewed. I have often thought how all of those who prayed for me are just like the friends who brought this man to Jesus. I am very grateful to those who had faith for me when I had none. I want to be like those friends in my relationship with those God allows me to know and influence.

    1. Amen! Glad you are better and most of all you have Faith back activated. God bless you ! Would you like for me to pray about anything right now ? If so please email me . Have a great night

  3. This was a blessing to me. I’ve been feeling The Lord leading me to start a women’s prayer group where we bare each other’s burdens and pray over each other/families/ whatever each woman needs and so I’m thankful for this post. It really highlights the fact that we need to be and have those true dedicated friends that will point us to Jesus in every situation and take us there themself if we are in a place of brokenness where we can’t seem to go to him ourself. Thank you for this ❤️

    1. I am so glad it was confirmation for you! And if you start a group on Facebook for prayer, let me know so I can help promote it! I wasn’t sure if you meant an in-person group or an online group!

  4. I assume this was a great devotional… the ads in, over, and around it are so ridiculous that I’m not going to try to read it. It’s overkill.

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