1. Powerful post. I wrote about valley experiences for my current blog too. Because that’s where I find myself. All your tips are great and things I have tried to stay true to in this dark valley I’m walking through. Thanks for the reminder.

    “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4, ESV).

    1. Thank you so much Karen! It really is something we need constant reminding of because we are so susceptible to letting those mountains stand in our way instead of telling them to move or even better…climbing up to the summit!

  2. It’s so true that the regular habits of holiness are good protection from discouragement when the path swerves into a dark season.
    Blessings to you! It’s amazing that you’ve recovered from your stroke and seem to be doing so well.

  3. God definitely want me to focus on this topic of our mountains and valley’s this morning! I try to keep praise in my heart and on my lips, of course I fail at times but He always reminds me of His goodness and how can you NOT praise Him for that!? I found out just yesterday, I’ll be have 2 more surgeries in my spine and one will be extensive than my last. He’s reminding me that He will be with me each step of this valley in the valley I’m already in. Thank you for encouraging my heart even more this morning!

  4. Praise God that He is always with us, whether in the mountain top or in the valleys. Even though the devil tried to hurt you with the stroke, you have overcome it and now you use it as a testimony to bring God glory!

  5. Love the printable, Diane!!! Such a great, in-depth post! Thank you for sharing these wonderful reminders! I’m liking the new look. 🙂

    Pinned to a couple of boards and scheduled to Twitter.

    Thank you for linking up at InstaEncouragements!

  6. It’s always easier to focus on God when things are going well in our lives. But then it’s easy at those times in the valleys when we think we’re okay. We’ve got this! But praising and staying close to the Lord in the valleys preps you for those times you need Him on the mountains. I actually find it easy to cry out to Him when I’m on the mountain. Because I know He’s there, He cares, He loves me and wants to help. It’s at those times I feel the most comfort.

  7. This was a very insightful post. I learned during my back injury that ended in spinal surgery to praise God no matter my circumstances. I loved when you said, we do not praise him for our circumstances we praise Him in our circumstances. That is so true!

  8. Diane, I loved your post! Your list was right on the mark. I’m not sure I name my mountain. I think it is so apparent I fail to name it. But I am going to try it.

    When I am in a deep valley or climbing a mountain, I make sure not to skip my quiet time with God.

    Thank you! I hope you add this to Grace & Truth link-up. I know our readers will love it.


  9. Maybe we need to begin singing songs of praise for the valleys in life. That’s where we learn our most important lessons and that’s where we can be sure that God is with us.

    I have climbed Haystack Mountain too, by the way! What a beautiful place.

    1. Yes it is beautiful!! I am looking forward to getting up there again sometime soon I hope! It’s only a 20 minute drive from me but my back isn’t having it right now 🙂

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