Does God Care About Me? God in the Details of Our Lives
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You matter to God! We often understand that as Christians. We know that our lives matter but do we stop to consider God in the details, the small details, in our lives? But we often wonder, “Does God care about me?” when we go through those silent, wilderness times.
The details of your life matter to God! Whether you are Christian or not, you matter! Your life matters and it counts for something and you have the love of God because you are His creation!
But God isn’t just interested in your life as a whole. He cares about every single little detail, from the very hairs of your head to even the very look on your face!

Cain and Abel
In Genesis, we read about two brothers, Cain and Abel.
The Bible tells us that both brothers brought offerings to the Lord but God was more pleased with Abel’s offering than Cain’s.
Now we don’t exactly know why Abel’s offering was more pleasing to God than Cain’s. One reason may be the heart behind the offering.
The details of your life matter to God! Whether you are Christian or not, you matter! Share on X1 John 3:12 tells us:
“We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother’s righteous.”
This would seem to indicate that Cain’s deeds, even before murdering his brother were not right in God’s eyes. It says he murdered him BECAUSE his own deeds were evil.
So it is possible God regarded Abel’s offerings as more pleasing because of the heart behind them.
Does God Care About Me? – Yes, He Sees Your Face
When we talk about God in the details of our lives, did you know God pays attention, not only to your heart and to your life, but to something as minute as the expression on your face?
Genesis 4:6
Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast?
So after Cain sees that his offering wasn’t as acceptable as his brother’s, Cain was angry and upset.
And here God notices the look on his face.
With a Father’s care, He asks him why he looks sad or downcast.
God cared not just about Cain’s anger but he noticed the very look on his face. He didn’t only ask a general question about why Cain was angry, but He also asked why his face, his countenance, had fallen.
This was care on a more intimate level.
God cared not just about Cain's anger but he noticed the very look on his face. Share on XGod noticed that small detail and in doing so shows He cares about the expression on your face. He sees you! Our loving heavenly Father notices that small detail in your life!
He is a God who notices the little things in the lives of His people and operates in caring about and taking great delight in the smallest of details.
When you ask ‘Does God care about me?’, know that you matter to the heart of God. What you go through in life matters to Him, whether good or difficult. When you are joyful and laugh, He laughs with you! Yes God laughs!
Psalm 2:4
“The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.”
When you cry, God is there to comfort you. The words of my groaning reach God’s heart.
When your face looks troubled He notices and He’s there with you waiting for you to go to Him to ask for help! He is waiting for you to speak to Him!
But many times we get too caught up in the things of life throughout our day.
We don’t stop to consider that the God of all comfort, the Lord of heaven and earth is there, noticing the countenance on our faces and waiting for us to stop and consider that in all of life’s little details, He is there with us.
He always has enough time for us and we only need to make time for Him.
It doesn’t matter if our countenance is happy or sad! He is there and He cares!
God cares about your countenance! He cares about that smile during times of joy or that frown when something goes wrong.
He cares about the pain, the hard times, the heartache, the joy, and the laughter!
The Bible tells us that the very hairs of our head are numbered! If that is not a small detail, I don’t know what is!
The Bible verses in Genesis where God notices that Cain looks downcast speak volumes, not about Cain but about God’s character and God’s care.
God is in the Details – In Scripture
So God notices the smallest of details about us but do we notice the little details about Him?
Do we see the everyday miracles of life and creation?
He sees our face but do we stop and see His? Or are we too busy looking for His hands??
When we read God’s word, do we skim through scripture and miss those little nuggets, those little details about God’s character, God’s love for us?
Are we too busy reading through our Bibles quickly and missing those little things that tell us about who God is?
When we are in a relationship with someone and are newly in love, we notice every detail about that person, don’t we?
So God notices the smallest of details about us but do we notice the little details about Him? Share on XWe notice the little things about them like the dimples on their cheeks when they smile, the way they toss their hair when they laugh, the things that make them happy, and the things that make them sad. We pay attention to the small details because we want to know everything about them. And we are in a relationship with God, aren’t we?
Are we paying attention to the smallest detail? Are we giving Him OUR unconditional love?
Do we do that when we read the Word? Do we stop and listen when we pray or do we just talk AT God?
When Jesus sent His letter to the church at Ephesus in Revelation, He told them they had lost their first love.
Have we lost our first love? Have we stopped noticing the little details of the love of Christ?
Let’s try to focus on the countenance on God’s face as we spend more time with Him and in His Word hearing what He has to say to us! Let’s focus on His Besorah – His Good News!
Let’s try to focus on God in the details!
Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™
What a blessing, that God cares about the smallest details of our lives. No concern is too small to bring before Him.
Amen!! Thank you Barbara!!
So grateful for these insights about God, our truest and most faithful Lover!
Thank you so much Michele!!
I love that we have a God who loves us and cares about our lives. That He is involved in the details, not far away and uninterested draws me to Him more and more.
Amen!! I am in awe at how He just relentlessly pursues us no matter where we are in life. He will always leave the 99 for us and it is so humbling to think that He not only does that but He cares about the tiniest of things in our lives. We serve a great great God.
That our big God cares about the smallest things pertaining to me – I will never get over it.
Yes!! It is something I can easily forget at times but I never stop being in awe of it!!
Diane, I love this never thought of God’s comment about the look on Cain’s face, what a beautiful detail. And as I never noticed it, it was a perfect example to how we miss the small details of who God is and His heart toward us. Great lesson, and beautiful writing (as always) Many Thanks 8)
Thank you so much Debra!! I am making it a point these days (per a gentle nudging from God) to study and then write more on the small nuggets I always seem to have missed in my studies. God seems to be calling me, in my studies and in my life, to look for an appreciate the small and simple things instead of just the larger picture. I am so glad you enjoyed it and I look forward to writing more about those little “nuggets” He helps lead me to!
God is in the details! Ive had a few times when He answered prayers immediately and dramatically. Making sure that I go back to thank him isn’t always my first response, unfortunately. But I am improving! #workinprogress
Yes we are always a work in progress! We all have those things we need to improve upon but thank the Lord for grace!!
The saying is about the devil being the details, forget him. I agree it’s really God. Thanks, Diane, hope you are feeling better.
Thank you Rebecca! I am doing much better!
Love this simple but powerful truth, “So God notices the smallest of details about us but do we notice the little details about Him? He sees our face but do we stop and see His? Or are we too busy looking for His hands??” We often only focus on what God can do for us instead of who He is!
Thank you Karen! It is so true! Many tend to focus on God’s ability instead of His person-ability. He wants relationship!
It is pretty amazing to stop and pause and think about how much we each matter to God. Thank you. What a great way to end the day. Thank you for sharing with Grace & Truth. Maree
Thank you so much Maree!!