1. Amen!! I am in awe at how He just relentlessly pursues us no matter where we are in life. He will always leave the 99 for us and it is so humbling to think that He not only does that but He cares about the tiniest of things in our lives. We serve a great great God.

  1. Diane, I love this never thought of God’s comment about the look on Cain’s face, what a beautiful detail. And as I never noticed it, it was a perfect example to how we miss the small details of who God is and His heart toward us. Great lesson, and beautiful writing (as always) Many Thanks 8)

    1. Thank you so much Debra!! I am making it a point these days (per a gentle nudging from God) to study and then write more on the small nuggets I always seem to have missed in my studies. God seems to be calling me, in my studies and in my life, to look for an appreciate the small and simple things instead of just the larger picture. I am so glad you enjoyed it and I look forward to writing more about those little “nuggets” He helps lead me to!

  2. God is in the details! Ive had a few times when He answered prayers immediately and dramatically. Making sure that I go back to thank him isn’t always my first response, unfortunately. But I am improving! #workinprogress

    1. Yes we are always a work in progress! We all have those things we need to improve upon but thank the Lord for grace!!

  3. Love this simple but powerful truth, “So God notices the smallest of details about us but do we notice the little details about Him? He sees our face but do we stop and see His? Or are we too busy looking for His hands??” We often only focus on what God can do for us instead of who He is!

    1. Thank you Karen! It is so true! Many tend to focus on God’s ability instead of His person-ability. He wants relationship!

  4. It is pretty amazing to stop and pause and think about how much we each matter to God. Thank you. What a great way to end the day. Thank you for sharing with Grace & Truth. Maree

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