1. I laughed so hard reading this! Growing up outside DC, then living in the capital of Canada as well for a bit I hate hate traffic! Once I was saved I used it as a daily practice for patience!!

  2. A couple things:

    1. Pretty sure you were in my head when you wrote this post! (Except, sometimes, I admit, I drive like a granny… oops. ??‍♀️)
    2. I drive a Jeep Renegade, too! Except it’s bright red.
    3. That particular verse from Lamentations has been on my heart since last week. It’s nice to visit other posts and see the scriptures you’ve been thinking about!
    And 4. Thanks for the giggles! And the lesson here!

    1. LOL Happy to meet another Rene girl!! I am so glad it made you laugh and that it resonated with you!! I try my best to laugh at myself and if I can take others with me, even better!! LOL

  3. I grew up driving in California. Now I am up in Alaska where everyone drives on ice like it’s the Ice Capades. Thanks for such a fun read!

  4. It is why there is worship music. We need it to stay in our lane. Come and drive over our spaghetti junction or get lost on 285 and go round and round Atlanta, just kidding.

  5. This was a fun read – with a wonderful message we ALL need to take to heart. I like “give gap, get gap” – had not heard that until now!

  6. I’m a new yorker who now lives in southern California where they drive like they don’t have sense. My driving too is not saved, but it’s getting there and it surely has taught me to extend grace.
    I’m your neighbor at grace and truth linkup.

  7. I needed to read this today and while it definitely gave me a good laugh (as this is me as a New Yorker too) I hear God all is what you wrote and it was something I needed for my Father to work in me again. Thank you

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