1. I stepped out in faith to invite our neighbors for annual Christmas coffee (ladies) and two at least are Jewish (not practicing). They are invited to bring a baby gift for Family Care Network in the interset of Jesus coming as a baby. Please pray they all come (I have 90 neighbors usually get around 12) Thanks!

  2. I never grow tired of reading about Peter. Every single time it stirs something inside of me to step out. Yes, I have stepped out when it made no sense. Even stood back when it made no sense, but God was instructing, and it was the right choice. Thank you for your inspiration today. I am not sure if you linked up with Grace & Truth, but I hope so. This post was inspiring, and many need to read it. Shared!

  3. I am reading a book right now that is challenging me to step out in faith. It is one of the best books I have ever read, almost like the author could see into my mind. Thank you for this wonderful post challenging us to do the same, even though it may be incomfortable.

  4. Thank you for encouraging word. You have ministered to my situation right now. Five months ago God told me to leave my job but i did not do it then. This month, i issued my employer the resignation letter and i am trusting in God for way foward.

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