What the Bible Says About Encouraging Others
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When we go through difficult times, it’s hard to see how anything good can come from them. It feels like everything is going wrong and that God has forgotten about us. But God can use our circumstances for encouraging others. When they see how God has used our trials to help us grow closer to Him, it encourages them and gives them hope for the future.
In fact, James 1:2-4 says “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect work, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” (TLV)
Read on and learn more about what the Bible says about encouraging others and how the God of all comfort can use YOU to be a comfort to hurting people.
Hard Times Seem Worse When We Focus on the Little Things
I found myself in the hospital recently about a month after a stroke I had. I had weakness and numbness on my left side, which was not the side affected by the stroke.
My husband took me to the Stroke Center and they determined it was not another stroke. That began the long process of trying to figure out what was going on.
After multiple tests and an MRI on my full spine, they found that I had “severe, severe arthritis” in my cervical spine that was constricting the nerves to my left arm (Cervical Spondylosis).
Now we had to solve the problem.
Neurology determined that surgery was not the best course of action because of the risks. There are about 5 various ways to treat the problem, with surgery being number 5 (by the way, after all this unfolded and I had an appointment with a neurosurgeon two months later, he advised surgery right away, which I have since had).
They said a rehab facility would be best so that I could get intense physical and occupational therapy, plus speech therapy for the issues remaining from the stroke.
So I would be moved to a short-term rehab facility closer to home where I would spend about a week.
I was happy to be closer to home but definitely not happy about being away for a week!
They had an ambulance come and pick me up at the hospital to transport me to the rehab facility. When I arrived there it had just gotten dark.
They wheeled me in and my heart just sank. The smell was just…not good.
It was dark (seemed that way in more ways than one at the time), and let’s just say everything just seemed to feel awful.
The people were nice but I was not liking being in this nursing home. I wanted to be in MY home.
I didn’t think I would ever sleep in this place. I literally cried on the phone with my husband and he was ready to come and get me.
But I knew for my health that I needed to stick it out. I just cried and cried.
but after taking my medication I was finally able to drift off to sleep and actually slept all night.
Encouraging Others Might Be Why You Are There
The next morning, things looked a little brighter. It is amazing what some sunshine can do!
I got up and got washed up and felt much better. Then I pulled the curtain back from around my part of the room and there was my roommate, a woman who, I would later find out, was 90 years old.
She was just sitting up in her bed looking at me with a smile.
I had heard her throughout the morning, weeping a bit and saying “Why God?”
So I knew she was a bit distraught about being there away from her family. I could certainly relate to that part!
And I could feel it deep down; I felt “God wants to use you“!
I just felt this woman needed an encouraging word.
I said “Good morning!” and she said it back.
She seemed thrilled to have this “young person” to talk to. So, we began chatting a bit.
I found out that she was 90 and had three sons and they owned a family restaurant.
She told me about how she was from Italy and had always wanted to be a nun, but her father wanted her to move to the United States with him.
Then she told me that she wondered why God would “do this” to her. She had injured herself in a fall.
She was pretty much healed now but she was still in physical therapy and due to go home in a couple of days.
Her family members visited her every day and she would get a phone call at least three or four times throughout the day, so she had support from family and friends.
Her sons would bring her food from their restaurant so she had the food she loved. She had a lot of people who loved her but she felt God did not. She felt God had put her in this place.
We spoke for a while and I tried my best to encourage her by letting her know that God didn’t do this to her.
She thought maybe she had done something wrong to have this happen to her. I explained to her that was definitely not the case.
Words of Encouragement
I went on to speak to her about God’s love for her and how He would never will for her to be hurt that way.
In everyday life, we experience difficult times but He is the God of hope and the God of love and He is always with us and He is holding us up through those difficult times.
God’s Word promises that He loves us and cares for us and He will uphold us with His righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
He can take our trials and our difficulties and use them for our good.
Sometimes we go through trials because of our own decisions in life.
I had a stroke. God didn’t cause my stroke, hormone replacement therapy did.
I made a decision, based on poor medical advice but my decision nonetheless, to go on this therapy.
But God was most certainly with me through it all.
He used (and IS using) my story to help encourage others and let them know that God does not cause their pain but He will use it!
He took this stroke, He took this spinal injury, and He placed me where I was at the right time (although it didn’t feel like it!) to speak to this 90-year-old woman about the peace of God and to be a source of encouragement right when she needed it.
She smiled a big smile and put her hand on her heart and said “Oh thank you! God bless you! God sent you here to me!”
That made my heart happy!
It made all the complaints I had about the place, all the grumblings under my breath, and all the texts I sent to my husband telling him I wanted to get out of there, worth it.
Acts of Service – God Wants to Use You in the Encouragement of Others
When I got there I was focused on my own comfort and my own feelings of uneasiness. That is natural to do especially when we are going through health issues.
But God wanted me to focus on what He had planned for me.
Instead of complaining, I should have prayed and asked Him to show me someone that I could impact in some way for Him!
God wants to use you wherever you are!
You see, the mission field isn’t just in another country or in another city. The mission field is any ground we step onto.
Encouraging others and showing God’s love and grace to others should happen wherever we go!
When I was wheeled into this place on a stretcher, it became my mission field.
The mission field isn’t just in another country or in another city. The mission field is any ground we step onto. Share on XGod had a plan for me there.
He may not have caused me to end up there but He certainly knew I would and He wanted me to use that time to not only heal myself but maybe heal someone’s faith or heal someone’s heart.
I would like to think I made this woman happy by knowing God IS with her.
His Word promises that! He had not left her at the door. He was right beside her, not punishing her but healing her and loving her.
So now I say “Show me someone else I can encourage today Lord!”
To be used by God is the best medicine in the world, especially for encouraging others!
And God wants to use you too!
So what does the Bible say about encouraging others?
What the Bible Says About Encouraging Others
There is quite a bit about encouragement in the Bible. Let’s face it, the encouragement of the scriptures is the best encouragement there is so why wouldn’t the Bible have a lot to say on the topic?
Exhortation, which is encouragement, is listed as one of the spiritual gifts in Romans 12.
Romans 12:9-13
So if it is listed as one of the spiritual gifts, it must be important, right? And we are to outdo each other in giving honor. We are to be tenderly devoted to one another and not just go through the motions.
The word exhort in the Greek is parakaleo and it means to call near, to urge, to encourage. It is used in the Bible many times, especially in Paul’s letters.
In fact, Paul begins most of his letters with some kind of encouragement. And why wouldn’t he? We all need encouragement.
This is a directive to encourage one another. We are to build each other up.
This is not a suggestion, it is a mandate. So if we are not encouraging others, we are not obeying scripture.
And if we are not obeying scripture, we are not living according to God’s will for our lives.
If you think about it, encouragement is really at the heart of our faith. Jesus came to encourage us.
He came to urge us on. He came to call us near. And that is what we are supposed to do for each other.
It is a valuable gift we can give to those who are hurting.
A sincere compliment, words of affirmation, a listening ear – all these can bring great joy to others.
Bible Verses About Encouragement
Psalm 121:1-2
John 16:33
Romans 8:31
2 Corinthians 1:5
Isaiah 40:31
2 Timothy 1:7
Galatians 6:2
John 14:27
ESV – “Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”
NASB – “Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation“
CJB – Taken from the Complete Jewish Bible by David H. Stern. Copyright © 1998. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Messianic Jewish Publishers, 6120 Day Long Lane, Clarksville, MD 21029. www.messianicjewish.net.
Tree of Life (TLV) – Scripture taken from the Holy Scriptures, Tree of Life Version*. Copyright © 2014,2016 by the Tree of Life Bible Society. Used by permission of the Tree of Life Bible Society.
I love the way God helped you look beyond your pain and suffering and minister to someone else. There is a joy that comes when you help others, encourage others despite your own pain. Thanks for sharing this story.
Thank you so much!! It definitely helps to get your mind off your own pain and focus on what someone else is going through. I needed that!
What an inspirational story, Diane. I am not surprised. You encourage us here every week. Bless you!
Thank you so much Laurie!! I feel so blessed by your comments!!
I have learned that valuable lesson in so many ways. I have a small tent on my desk, hand written stating,”What assignment do you have for me today?” It prompts me to keep my eyes alert to what God is doing and how He wants me to join Him. Bless you for this powerful testimony.
Thank you so much!! I love that!!
Encouraging another is not only the best medicine, it reminds me God is in the details and that even when I’m discouraged, He deigns to use me. tweeted
Thank you so much!!!
I just LOVE this story every time I read it! I love how it unfolded. I love how it ended. I love everything about it. It is exactly the message I want to get across in The Heart That Heals. God has you here for a purpose. Seek that purpose. Go after it. Look for someone to encourage and to be a comfort to. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Pinned and tweeted.
Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!
Thank you so much Patsy!! I love how God writes these stories in our lives and weaves them into the lives of others. He is just such an amazing Father!!