1. I hear so often that fear and faith, anxiety and trust can’t coexist. But the psalmist said, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you’ (Psalm 56:3). And Paul said he was with the Corinthians “in weakness and in fear and much trembling” 1 Cor. 2:3). I agree that It’s so important how we respond to fear rather than stressing over the fact that we’re experiencing it.

    1. Amen that is so true Barbara. And it creates a feeling in believers that they are somehow ‘missing God’ if they are fearful. We can feel fear but as you and Kirsten said, it is our reaction to it that makes the difference! Thank you!!

  2. A great encouragement in how to process fear! I truly was inspired by the statement that “fear can be a good counselor but a terrible decision maker.” I need to keep this in mind when fear tries to lurk in the shadows!

  3. Thank you, Kirsten, for powerful, fear fighting words. There is never a time in our lives when we are completely free of reasons to fear, and yet I think we are all being tested in unusual ways in these days of Covid-19.

    1. Absolutely! There is just so much unknown, which can make us jump at every shadow! I’m trying to remind myself GOD IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW and let that move me to faith!

  4. I definitely have fear in this crisis, but I want to respond with faith, not fear. Listening to the song now. I love for King and Country. Several of their songs minister to me.

  5. “Fear can be a wise counselor, but it’s a terrible decision-maker.” Thank you for sharing – this is so true.

    Our response does matter. We need to ground ourselves in God.


    1. I think it’s easy to feel like victims when everything is spinning out of control. I’m reminding myself that I still control my own responses, and that’s where grounding myself in God comes in!

  6. I LOVE THESE POINTS, Diane!!!
    1. Learning to look to God’s promises AND trust them.
    2. Learning to believe God is on the throne AND He is good.
    3. Learning to remind myself of all the times God has come through in the past AND He will not fail me now!

    We so need these reminders right now! Thank you!

    Thank you for linking up at InstaEncouragements!

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