1. As a highly sensitive introvert, satan is good at using my feelings. Everything becomes a bigger deal that in should. I’m practicing using the Scriptures to rewrite the internal conversation. Intentionally bringing key verses to mind in the battle points.

  2. Thanks for this. I know all too well how I can get into a weird head space when I focus on my feelings instead of God’s word. It’s as if I’m suddenly looking through a distorted lens and everything feels off, and then I subsequently perceive everything else through those same lens. This can have an effect on the whole of our lives which can lead to so many wrong thoughts and even alter the course of our lives.

    I actually wrote a post a while ago on interpreting our lives correctly through God’s eyes rather than through our own feelings if you’re interested to read.

  3. I really need to remember this. It is so easy for me to ask God for forgiveness then pick my sins right back up and wear them with guilt. That is not God, and I need to put that somewhere where I can see it over and over. I must stay connected to God so I hear His voice louder than anyone else’s – even my own.

  4. Thanks for writing this post. What you talk about here is one of the main premises of why I even started blogging: God’s word is true and unshakable but our emotions are flimsy and often built on falsehood. God bless you! You’re sharing awesome content on here.

  5. YESSSSS! This is so true. I grew up in a church that put a lot of emphasis on the way you feel. But then I realized that Satan often uses our fickle feelings to keep us from focusing on the truths of God that we find in His word.

  6. This is SO timely for me! I’m sharing this with a group of teens I’m working with- we were just discussing that our thoughts cause our feelings and so we have to discern who those thoughts are coming from. Satan is a liar and constantly feeding us lies. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Diane, Thank you for the reminder that He paid it all and that I need to trust HIM not my unreliable feelings.

  8. Thank you for such a wonderful message. I’ve always struggled with assurance of salvation because of this very thing. I have had to learn that my feelings are fickle, and that to examine myself I need only to trust in the Truth of God’s word and not my feelings. There are lots of days where I feel spiritually on fire for God and other days where I just don’t feel God’s presence–and it’s these kind of days that make me feel somehow unsaved. Feelings change, but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8).

    1. Amen!! It is a good thing our salvation doesn’t hinge on our feelings!! It is not based on us!! I know I have many days when I don’t “feel” saved…but we have His blessed assurance!!

  9. I love this post, Diane. We count way too much on our feelings. I’ve written about that quite a few times myself. Thanks for sharing on Grace & Truth. I’ll be sharing this on Social Media!

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