1. This is a blessed truth, that God’s Word and ways are true and unchanging no matter what our feelings.

  2. Good timing no this post–a day in which I had already resolved to talk to myself (about truth!) more than I listen to myself.

  3. Got me. I have a tendency to beat myself up over past sins. I’ve even written a blog post about it – Stop peeking into your old box of sins, God has already forgiven you! Thanks for this poignant reminder!

  4. My brother Dalton who is in Heaven shared a nugget of wisdom with me that is forever etched in brain. He said, “We cannot live our lives by our fickle feelings. We must live by the truth of God’s word that never changes. You can’t trust your feelings but you can trust God.” He loved Jesus and trusted Jesus with every fiber of his being. What an excellent example of a godly man…

    1. What a wise and godly man and what a blessing for you to have had such a wonderful brother and godly example! Thank you for sharing a bit of Dalton with us!!

  5. I have come a long with with trusting God rather than my feelings, but there are some that are so deeply rooted. When there is the tiniest opportunity, Satan uses that to bring me right back to my feelings. I’m grateful God doesn’t give up.

  6. This is such great encouragement, Diane! And so often we forget it when our “feelings” take us in the wrong direction. But we don’t have to let those feelings dictate where we go or what we think, nor do we need to let Satan trick us into feeling condemned. I needed this today! So thank you for this powerful reminder! Pinning!

  7. Feelings can be strong and seem so real, can’t they? But they can and will lead us astray. We must continue to stand on God’s Word and His principles. Thanks for a powerful reminder!

  8. So true. God created our minds, and He knows when we feel like we failed we grow heavy with shame and guilt making it hard to change and do better.

  9. This is so powerful and an area I think we all struggle in. There is something in us that wants to earn forgiveness but it is impossible! Only God can forgive! And you are so right, the enemy is a liar!

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