1. Our sins are forgiven if we truly repent and do no more. Satan trying to keep us in chains. Remember Christ died for all of us

  2. I needed this reminder! I really want to focus more this year on studying God’s word and being in the truth.

  3. In my opinion THIS topic is so very needed for believers. I know that l lived in my chains for a long time. Once I truly understood surrender is when I found freedom. The people living in chains is why I started my blog, the wounds you receive during that time does require a healing of heart. I also went through a Freedom In Christ program after my surrender and it is absolutely spot on with things that you need to understand to live that Freedom!!

  4. This is excellent Diane! You are so right too… we do stay in the chains from which God died to set us free far too often! Both in my own life, and in my ministry this is probably one of the most prevalent issues I deal with. Just leaving our chains behind and living in the freedom we’ve been given. I do see great victory in so many areas, and yet there are others that just keep coming back up.Thanks God for sanctification! He’s not done with me yet.

  5. This is such a great reminder. There are days when I feel weighted down and I know it is Satan trying to chain me down with negative thoughts. Jesus set us free and I need to keep that at the forefront of my thoughts.

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